
Our classroom expectations:

Waterloo Elementary School Behavior Expectations:



Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible


-Use walking feet

-Stay on the right side

-Use quiet voices and feet

-Keep hands to yourself

-Wait your turn patiently for restroom and fountain

-Keep hallways clean

-Go directly to your location


-Keep all food to self

-Sit with feet on floor, bottom on bench and facing table

-Only get up to throw your trash away

-Raise hand for help

-Wait your turn in lunch line

-Use quiet voices

-Talk to those at your table

-Use good manners

-Voices off for dismissal

-Get all utensils, milk, etc. when first going through the line

-Clean up after yourself and look on floor around you


-Stay within the playground boundaries

-Ask permission to in building and report back

-Keep body safe

-Take turns with playground equipment

-Play fair (follow rules)

-Include everyone

-Freeze when whistle is blown and walk to your spot

-Put away


-No toys or items from home


-Keep feet on floor

-Keep water in sink

-Wash hands with soap and water

-Carefully close the door

-Knock on stall door

-Give others privacy

-Use quiet voices

-Wait patiently

-Be quick

-Flush toilet after use

-Report problems to an adult

-Use appropriate amount of soap


-Keep hands and feet to yourself

-Sit with feet on floor, bottom on chair

-Use equipment as instructed


-Wait your turn

-Eyes on speaker

-Use appropriate voice

-Use good listening skills

-Take care of property

-Return what you borrow

-Clean up

-Report problems to teacher

Behavior Management:

We will use Class Dojo this year.