Grade Two Writing

Write about a tree - perhaps you will choose the Giant Redwood in California!

Write the following sentences...

An elephant uses its trunk to take a shower.

It uses its tusks to dig holes.

It flaps its ears to cool off.

*Write these two compound words...



**Write a complete sentence for three of the following words...

learn - quiet - different - quite - wrong - laugh - caught

***Fill in the rest of the chart...

Write the following sentences...

Bear was proud of his long, bushy tail.

Fox tricked bear into putting his tail in the water to freeze.

Bear's tail broke and he was sad.

Bear ran into his cave and slept all winter.

Say the words that end in nd, nt, st, pt, ft, mp, ld, ng, tch, ck, sh...

Write the following sentences...

Robots do many kinds of work. They do some work people cannot do.

They do some work that is too dangerous for some people. They do not get tired.