Cabrillo Middle School       X      Woodworking and Design 


The Woodworking and Design Program at Cabrillo Middle School offers students a unique opportunity to build wood-based projects in a safe, structured environment with a wide range of adult mentors. Our classes range from introductory level 6th and 7th grade courses that focus on basic design and tool skills to our 8th Grade Fine Woodworking class where students build custom, award-winning furniture. 


 The push over the last thirty years to move industrial arts courses out of public schools in favor of exclusively "college preparatory" classes has left a gap in our students' education.  Many of us now believe school should be well-rounded, instruction should be holistic and engage both minds and bodies, "brains" and "hands."  With this in mind, we strive to create learning that is project-based rather than teacher/lecture/white board oriented, and we work to get our students out of their desks, onto their feet, and alongside a variety of tools.  




Let's face it:  Woodshop is old.  Right?  You might ask why not scrap the woodshop for a more modern "makerspace" like so many schools have done?  Unlike many schools today, our woodworking program moves beyond the modern "makerspace" that merely implements computer controlled tools--3D printer, CNC router, etc.--instead, our students learn how to use centuries-old hand tools alongside cutting-edge computerized tools.  (Yes, we also have a very large CNC router and laser engravers.)  Furthermore, we believe there is inherent value in working with wood itself; no other material is as easy and safe to work with and no other material is as renewable.  Ever tried to cut 3/4" steel with a hand saw, inhaled a little concrete dust, or looked at the carbon footprint of plastic?  This combination of old and new technologies, our focus on traditional as well as modern design techniques, as well as our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship, sets our program apart from other most other schools that tout the latest, greatest tech labSo yes, "woodshop" is old, very old, but there's a reason it's still the coolest makerspace in town.



 It is our hope that every student that takes woodworking at Cabrillo, regardless of their future interests or vocation, finds value in working with both their hands and minds in our shop.  The history of woodworking is one of learning by doing, by working with others and learning from them, by making mistakes and improving upon them.  Taking part in this rich tradition at Cabrillo Middle School, we believe, is a fantastic way to prepare our students for the future.  We look forward to building this future with you!