Monday Remote Learning

Each Friday, students will take home “Remote Learning” packets. These packets can be completed any time before students return to school on Tuesdays.

Packets must be returned on Tuesday to be graded.


Blue – Music

Red – Library



A.M. Recess - 9:45-10:05

Lunch - 11:35—12:20

You are welcome to visit our class at any time. Come in and see what we are learning


Please check your child’s homework folders and backpacks for:

1. Newsletters and other important papers, which will be sent home regularly.

2. Graded papers—possibly daily. Students are permitted to correct papers under 70% if returned the next day. *Tests are excluded.

Check Infinite Campus to monitor your child’s academic progress through

You will need to call the District Office at 454-0445 to get access.


Homework is a very important part of your child’s growth and is meant to review previously learned skills. Students will have homework Tuesday-Thursday. The assignment will be written in their Student Agenda daily.

Please encourage your child to be responsible by reminding him/her to bring back the agenda and completed homework daily. *A small fee will be charged to replace agendas if lost or damaged.

Don’t forget to ask your child about his/her spelling words. A new list of words will go home on Mondays and a final test will be on the last day of the week. Please help your child study spelling patterns throughout the week.

Class Dojo

We use the app/website Classdojo in our class to communicate with parents with what is happening in our classroom. Students are able to share photos and videos with their parents. Parents are able to also view student’s conduct and performance in the classroom.

Students earn “dojo points” that go towards various incentives. Here are a few items where points may be earned:

· Signed agenda

· Completed agendas

· Daily homework

· Just because