Societal Attitudes towards Autism (SATA)


Flood, L., Bulgrin, A., & Morgan, B. L. (2013). Piecing together the Puzzle: Development of the Societal Attitudes toward Autism (SATA) Scale. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 13(2), 121-128. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-3802.2011.01224.x

ORIGINAL ARTICLEJournal article PDF version

ENGLISH:  Text version of the SATA scale for administration in the English language

 International Language Versions of SATA 
(Arabic, Greek, Malay, & Spanish) 

ARABICText version and pdf version of SATA for Arabic speaking peoples. (Please cite Ereny Gobrial  for translation.)

GREEKText version and pdf version of SATA for Greek speaking peoples. (Please cite Raissa Kouznetsov  for translation.)  Or text version and pdf of validation article (Please cite Zarokanellou et al., 2023. 

MALAY: Text version and pdf version of SATA for administration in Malay speaking peoples. (Please cite Hui Min Low.)

SPANISHText version SATA for administration in Spanish speaking peoples.  (Note: Dorian Dorado & Victoria Calmes provided the translation and back-translation.)

NOTE: The scale is public domain. Please feel free to use in your research with proper citation.  We would appreciate you sharing your results with us. If you translate into another language, we would be pleased to post it here. Please email