Human Activity Recognition Database with Kinect, IMU'S, and EMG'S


This page is dedicated to provide open access to our Multisensor Human Activity Database. Our database consist of eight people executing five physical activities while being recorded with three modalities of sensors: Kinect, IMUs, and EMGs.

Our work is a collaboration between Universidad TecnolĂłgica de Pereira and Marquette University.

If you use our database, please cite this paper:


Title = {Human activity recognition using multi-modal data fusion with Kinect, IMUs and EMGs},

Author = {Calvo, Andres and Holguin, German A and Medeiros, Henry},

Journal = {The 23 Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2018},

Year = {2018},

Month = {Nov},

Number = {11},

Volume = {27},

Doi = {},

ISSN = {}


Details for the database can be found in this Readme file. Here you will find a detailed description of the database and how to load the data in the Matlab(c).

The data is located in this Google Drive folder: Database.