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Animal Science Projects

Semester 1

Living with Livestock

Choose one type of livestock from the large-animal (cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, etc.) category and one from the small-animal category (chickens, rabbits, ducks, etc.). See what the regulations are for them in your county. Looking up your state agriculture department and county regulations is a good place to start, and all sources need to be reputable and from appropriate websites. Answer the following question for each type of livestock in complete sentences:

  • What restrictions are there regarding where they can live in the county?

  • How much land do they require?

  • Do they require certification from a vet before bringing on to the property? Explain.

Once you have looked up the regulations, determine the basic level of care each of the two livestock types you chose needs. The state agriculture department can be a good source for this kind of information, as can organizations that focus on the types of animal you have chosen. Answer the following questions:

  • What kind of diet should the animal have?

  • What are common health problems?

  • What kind of shelter does the animal require?

  • Does the animal’s habitat need cleaning? If so, how often?

  • What kind of regular veterinary care does the animal require?

  • How should the animal be provided with water and how much does it need?

  • How are the products from the animal used?

Once you have answered all the questions, write a brief paragraph for the small animal stating whether or not you would recommend each animal for urban farming.

Table Grading Rubric

Solving a Pest Problem

Chose a species of pests from one of the categories described in the unit (insect, weed, or fungi) other than the boll weevil. Prepare a PowerPoint or other slide-based presentation about the pest that gives its background and makes recommendations for combatting it. It should be no more than 20 slides and should include the following information:

  • Description of the pest and how it came to be in the United States

  • The organisms that are impacted by it and what that impact is

  • At least two methods to treat it (cultural, biological, and chemical)

  • Why it is challenging to treat

  • What method you would recommend to help eradicate it

Make sure that the final slide of your PowerPoint or other slide-based presentation contains the sources you used in APA format. In addition, all slides should be visually appealing and easy to read.

Table Grading Rubric

Semester 2- No projects