
List Of Publications

Bouarourou S., Boulaalam A., Nfaoui E.H. (2020) Services Search Techniques Architecture for the Internet of Things. In: Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2019). AI2SD 2019. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 92. Springer, Cham

Boulaalam, A. (2019). Internet of things: new classification model of intelligence. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 10(7), 2731-2744.

Brahim Dib, Fahd Kalloubi, El Habib Nfaoui, and Abdelhak BOULAALAM. 2018. ―Semantic-Based Followee Recommendations on Twitter Network.‖  Procedia Computer Science  127: 505–10. 

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, "Intelligent Product based on mobile agent to accelerate the New Product Development process", Journal of Computer Science, Volume 9, Issue 7, Pages 856-865, DOI : 10.3844/jcssp.2013.856.865

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “Intelligent Product: Mobile Agent Architecture Integrating the End of Life Cycle (EOL) For minimizing the lunch phase PLM”. International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering [JSCSE], Advance Academic Publisher, ISSN: 2251-7545. Vol. 3, No. 3, 2013

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, "Mobile Agent architecture for intelligent Product to increase the effectiveness in End of Life Management", International Journal of Computer Applications 48(6):1-11, June 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, "Mobile Agent PLM Architecture for extended enterprise", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 1, January 2011, ISSN (Online): 1694-0814.

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, "RFID combined with Mobile Agent to improve New Product Development (NPD) processs”. 2013. (proceedings sera publié dans : Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

Conférences internationales avec actes et comité de lecture 

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “Architecture based on Mobile Agent and PEIDs technologies to improve innovation in PLM”. 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and applications (SITA). 2013. (Indexé par IEEEXplore) 

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “RFID combined with Mobile Agent to improve New Product Development (NPD) process”. The First International Workshop On RFID And Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks: Mobility, Security, Localization And Applications (RAWSN). 2013.  

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “Intelligent Product: Mobile Agent Architecture Integrating the End of Life Cycle (EOL) For minimizing the lunch phase PLM”. The International Conference on Soft Computing and Software Engineering (SCSE). 2013. (proceeding indexé par Scopus) 

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “RFID combined with Mobile Agent to improve New  Product Development (NPD) process”. The International Conference on NETworked sYStems May (NETYS). 2013.  

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, “Intelligent Product: new approach for PLM”.  Colloque International en Informatique, Automatique et Electronique (CIAE). 2011.  

Abdelhak Boulaalam, El Habib Nfaoui and Omar El Beqqali, "Product Lifecycle Management system architecture based on Agent technologies for collaboration". 27èmes  journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA). 2011. 

Abdelhak Boulaalam and Omar El Beqqali, "Produit Intelligent dans le PLM". 2èmes Journées Doctorales en Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (JDTIC). 2010.