
Digital Draw Now

(#ddrawnow renamed from "Useful Fun")

Let's have fun all the time. Enjoy being alive.

Digital Draw Now. #ddrawnow. This is how I encourage more people to draw often. I have long found that drawing on my mobile phone everywhere does not catch people's attention, unlike sketching on a book. This is simply due to the pervasiveness of mobile phones, and also most people's natural respect for another's privacy.

So, for someone who shies from showing unfinished work, digital drawing is really a very private way to keep drawing at any moment I want.

Join me. Whenever you finish drawing tag, it with #ddrawnow. Then the movement will gather momentum.

Project DDrawNow Courses

Starting to record my own learning journey now. So it will be like a journal. Feel free to share it with others because I will keep it open, and more like us will come together, to grow together.

The learning journey will be recorded in a more useful way, like a course. It will be as if I am taking a course myself. Then you can also take the same course that I take. Step into my shoes, so to speak.

I should start with a revision of my basics. Feel free to pop over, create a new account for yourself, join the course and learn with me.

Also bear with me as it is always a work-in-progress there. So just join the course, and give me feedback like you would give a classmate, a fellow learner, who also happens to be the lecturer. Will be fun. Your input can also become part of the course content for sharing with others along the way.

Using Moby Thesaurus

Learning how to use the open source Moby Thesaurus. It provides a useful database of words, synonyms and how a word can be used in various parts of speech.

Ref: https://code.google.com/archive/p/moby-thesaurus/

Below is my guess of what the database structure is like. Cannot find any diagrams explaining it. Drew one after reading the raw database directly.

My guess of the database structure of the Moby Thesaurus