4th Grade classroom Handbook

Fourth Grade Curriculum and Grading Policy


Our school has adopted the GO Math! curriculum. In 4th grade, we covers topics such as place value, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and much more! We also incorporate hands-on activities as well as technology during math.


Students will demonstrate the ability to ask questions, develop and use models, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, construct explanations and design solutions, and engage in arguments from evidence.

Social Studies

This is a big year for 4th graders. We will be exploring maps, globes, and regions of the U.S. Students will be required to know the 50 states and their capitals and also be able to locate them on a map.


STEM education is most often presented as an engaging task that asks students to solve a problem. Additionally, creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking are integral to every task. STEM projects are authentic learning tasks that guide students to address a variety of science and math standards. Also, students strengthen English Language Arts skills by recording notes and written reflections throughout the process.


Students will work on their writing development using the 6-Trait writing strategies. This will also include weekly handwriting practice.


Students will work on a variety of grammar usage techniques to develop their oral and written language. Grades will be assessed on daily work, participation, special writing projects, and unit tests.


Students will be learning to spell words needed in their everyday language with an emphasis on their vocabulary usage. A new unit of 20 words will be given each week. On Thursdays, the students will be given a Spelling Pretest on the unit words. If he/she gets at least an 80% on the pretest, they do not have to retake the test. If he/she gets below an 80%, they will retake only the words they got wrong on Friday to better their grade.


Our school participates in the SFA program. Your child will be assessed and placed in a reading class for their reading level and not their grade level. Testing is done every 8 weeks to determine growth and review new level placements. You can help us by reading with your child for 20 minutes each evening and signing their planner/agenda.

Late Assignments

A late assignment is any paper not handed in by 8:30 AM following the day of the given assignment. Reminders are given for the first week, but then the responsibility is shifted to the student. Late work will result in loss of recess. A continued pattern of late work will result in conferencing with the parent.


Most major assignments are done in school and require very little completion time at home. Students need to use their time wisely to keep their homework to a minimum. Students not completing homework will use their recess time the following day to do so. If you are not sure if your child has homework other than the daily reading assignment, please look in their agenda for highlighted assignments.


Mid-nine weeks Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled in October and March. Students are encouraged to attend. Any other time you would like to visit with me, please feel free to set up an appointment by calling the school office.

Class Dojo

Each student will be held accountable for appropriate behavior this year through a program called ClassDojo. ClassDojo is actually a website, www.classdojo.com, and it’s also in the App Store on itunes under the name ClassDojo. You will be able to track your student's progress following or not following our classroom rules. We will use the website in class to track positive points for when the rules are being followed and negative points for when they are not. The positive and negative points are totaled instantly on the website which students will see, or even hear, at times in class throughout the day. As students earn points their total will increase, and if they lose any, their total will decrease. Points can be earned or lost anywhere in the building and the other teachers who have them for specials and groups will be given access to their Dojo points as well. In return for earning points, the students will be able to purchase coupons in the “Dojo Store”.

Any concerns or questions? I can be reached by phone, email, or a written note in the student agendas.



Mrs. Hinz