Professional Service

Service for Funding Agencies

Had served as a review panel member for the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation, USA

Had served as an external reviewer for the National Research Foundation, South Africa

Had served as an external reviewer for Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Associate Editors

Past Editor Members

    1. Guest Editor for September Issue 2009 of International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics

  1. Editorial Member for British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science

Referee for the following journals of mathematical sciences (under mathematical reviews with subject code 62)

    1. European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

    2. Journal of American Statistical Association

    3. Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics


  1. Journal of Mathematics

    1. Journal of Computational And Applied Mathematics

    2. Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering

  2. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management

  3. Neural Computing And Applications

  4. Journal of Quality Technology

  5. Applied Mathematical Modeling

  6. Journal of Industrial Mathematics

  1. Computational Statistics

  1. Metron International Journal of Statistics

  2. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation

  3. IEEE Transactions on Reliability

  4. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering

  5. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

  6. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics

  1. The Journal of Nonparametric Statistics

  2. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

  3. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods

  4. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

  5. The Annals of Statistics

  1. The American Statistician