Research & Projects

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Sep 2016 – Dec 2017 Accelerating CNNs on FPGAs

University of Southern California Supervisor: Prof. Viktor Prasanna

Sep 2015 – Jun 2016 Cell Image Classification with DCNN

University of Hong Kong Supervisor: Prof. Hayden K.H. So

  • Implementation of Deep Convolutional Neural Network with Python3

  • Design of the DCNN structure, achieving 95% accuracy on QPI blood and algae cell images

  • Acceleration of DCNN’s feed-forward operation on Apache Spark clusters

May 2015 – Aug 2015 FPGA Architecture and CAD Routing

University of Toronto Supervisor: Prof. Vaughn Betz

  • Architecture experiments on route quality by switch blocks and wire mix exploration

  • Architecture modification of Stratix IV, capturing accurate channel interconnection

  • VPR router improvement by a new heuristic look-ahead of A* search. The new algorithm is designed to decrease critical path delay for modern architectures with complex wire mixture, by setting up a timing delay lookup table prior to routing

  • Maintenance of VPR's switch builder by supporting both uni- and bi-directional wires