The websites that has listing for new bikes such as eBay , Walmart is integrated with the listings from the Craigslist through various Integration operations such as Crawling the data sources, Information Extraction by creating Wrappers, Data Cleaning, Creating Own Ontology , Perform Record Linkage to identify the matching posts from New bikes selling & Old bikes selling websites by tuning string similarity measures for attributes , Source modeling to assign semantic type and generate RDF. The RDF is then queried using SPARQL using Apache Jena , an open source java framework to query RDF.

The User Interface enables the user to find bikes based on various filtering parameters such as Manufacturer, Bike Type, Price Range, Gender. The search results display the list of bikes where in the user can select a specific bike to know more information about it. The user can then go to the actual web page of the bike from either new/old and proceed with buying it.

Android App for eBay Search - Android

The main aim of this class project was to become familiar with Android Studio, Android App development and Facebook SDK for Android.I built a good-looking eBay search Android app using the Android SDK and added social networking features to the app using the Facebook SDK.

This Project is aimed to simulate an online medical appointment system using a hybrid architecture of TCP and UDP sockets.It has 3 major phases. Authenticating into the health center server,Requesting available appointments and reserving one of them, Sending insurance information to the corresponding doctor to get an estimated cost for the visit.In phase 1 and 2, all communications are through TCP sockets.In phase 3 , all communications are through UDP sockets.

Language : C (Socket Programming )

Design and develop a drag and drop graphical programming interface using C# for iRobot and a back-end to generate and compile corresponding C code as an input to micro-controller of iRobot.

Vision:To make it possible for elementary school kids to program the iRobot.

Technology: Visual Studio, C#, C, WinAVR

Role: Software Architect , Prototyper

Grid World

Implemented UCS algorithm to enable the agent to move from the Starting Cell to the Target Cell in a grid world that has some blocking cells.The agent can move to any adjacent cells(left, right, top, bottom) but not diagonally.

Language: Python

Analysis of Protocols using Wireshark

Analyzed the flow of packets for the protocols such as DHCP ,DNS

Analysis using OPNET

Analyzed the performance of network in terms of throughput, delay and collision count for switched ethernet, Wireless LAN ,RIP and OSPF protocols.

Unity 2D game

A 2D game that is similar to Mario with 2 levels where in the first level the player can jump over the obstacles and loses life if it hits the same.In the second level , the player can collect coins and like an infinite runner , the game ends when the destination is reached.

Transforming Stocks content in an XML file to HTML

A HTML/JavaScript program, which takes the URL of an XML document containing NASDAQ stock information, parses the XML file, and extracts the list of stocks, displaying them in a table.

Searching Items for Sale on using their API and XML parsing using PHP

Creating a webpage that allows users to search items for sale on using their API. The response in the form of XML is parsed and the results is displayed in the table using PHP.The UI is built using HTML,CSS,BootStrap, JavaScript, JQuery.

CNF converter

Converts any propositional logic sentence into its equivalent CNF sentence using Python


A boolean satisfiability solver that takes a set of variables and connectives in CNF and returns either a satisfying assignment that would make the CNF sentence true or determines that no satisfying assignment is possible using DPLL algorithm.


Computing Inferences in Bayesian Networks

Given that,The hospital already has a fairly extensive electronic medical record system and they know for various diseases, what the priori probability of the diseases In addition, they have also been able to determine the probability of various lab results, given one of the particular diseases P(F|D). For each of the diseases, the probability that the patient has the disease is found.For each of the values for the unknown tests, the maximum and minimum probabilities for each disease is calculated.Also,In the case that there are undetermined lab values, to help the doctor decide which test to run next, the tests not done yet for each disease(result either true or false)would produce the biggest increase and which would produce the biggest decrease in the probabilities for that diseases are also calculated.

Language: Python

Data Collection in Spatially Separated areas using Wireless Sensor Networks

This project focus on spatially separated sensor networks.Hilly regions employs this type of network. A sparse network consists of both static and mobile nodes. These nodes form clusters. In each cluster ,a cluster head(mobile node) is elected and the data sensed by static nodes are being transferred to the cluster head through mobile nodes. Smite protocol allows rotation of cluster heads thus ensuring that node's battery does not drain off. Data mules follow a fixed pattern. They visit a particular portion of every cluster and collect the data. Finally the data mules transfer the data to base station directly if it's closer to it, or else it sends through other data mules to reach base station.

Simulator:NS2 Language : C++ and TCL scripting OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Synonyms and Homograph Identification

This project involves Synonyms and homograph identification in a given passage. This will find the disambiguated word and identify its meaning in the passage. This identification is done up-to 3 levels.This is done using Java and wordnet database.

Data Centric Knowledge Management System

This is a web based application which allows employees of a company to share their knowledge with others in the company. Also it allows them to search for knowledge assets when in need.This is done in PHP.

Time tabling

As a part of Database Management Systems Lab, this project is done that aims at scheduling classes and staffs for the eight semesters based on available faculties, class rooms and timings of the faculty such that there is no clash in any of these mentioned above.

language: PHP ,MySQL

Online banking

As a part of Web technologies lab, this project aims is done that enables the user to make online transactions such as deposit, withdrawals and check balance using JSP and HTML