PQGen teaching program Web site

The aim of this software is to be a complementary resource for an introductory course on Populations and Quantitative Genetics in diploid organisms, with special orientation to the animal breeding. 

It calculates the parameters of some essential topics and visualizes some situa- tions graphically by means of deterministic (infinite size populations) or stochastic (finite populations) simulations.

This version has been developed in Liberty Basic on Windows operating system. Needs to be run as administrator. This software also runs on Mac and Linux environ ments through interfaces such as WineBottler.

This program only uses the modules placed in the installation directory, with the exception of CALC and OSK of Windows.

This software is shareware. The suggestions that allow to improve this program and to correct the mistakes will be appreciated. Moreover, efforts to expand this program to other languages will also be welcomed. At present the Help of program is in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.

New!:  Module 21 of Population genetics.

Modules 16 and 17 of Quantitative genetics. 

To contact: altarrib@unizar.es

Este programa pretende ser el complemento de un curso introductorio a la Genética de Poblaciones y a la Genética Cuantitativa en organismos diploides, con especial orientación a la mejora genética animal.

Calcula los parámetros de algunos tópicos esenciales y visualiza gráficamente algunas situaciones mediante simulación determinística (en poblaciones infinitas) o estocástica (en poblaciones concretas).

Esta versión ha sido desarrollada en Liberty Basic en un entorno Windows. Necesita ejecutarse como administrador. También funciona en entornos Mac y Linux mediante interfaces como WineBottler.

Este programa solo utiliza los módulos colocados en el directorio de instalación, salvo CALC y OSK de Windows.

En Practicando con PQGen existe una guía didáctica de cada módulo con ejemplos comentados.

Software de libre distribución. Se agradecerán las sugerencias que permitan mejorar este programa, corregir errores y realizar traducciones de la Ayuda en otros idiomas. Actualmente está en Español, Francés, Inglés, Portugués y Turco.

 ¡New!: Módulo 21 de Genética de poblaciones.

Módulos 16 y 17 de Genética Cuantitativa

Contactar: altarrib@unizar.es

Programmed modules

Population genetics

 1. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium

 2. Gene frequencies and HW equilibrium for autosomal loci

 3. Evolution of sex linked loci

 4. Map distance and recombination frequencies

 5. Gametic frequencies evolution and linkage disequilibrium

 6. Linkage disequilibrium

 7. Predictive ability of a marker

 8. Haplotype prediction in a gen with dominance

 9. Assortative mating

10. Migration

11. Mutation

12. Selection

13. Hitchhiking effect on linked locus from selection

14. Mutation - Selection balance

15. Selection for fitness defined by two loci

16. Gene sampling - Genetic drift

17. Joint effect of selection and genetic drift

18. Individual inbreeding

19. Relationship matrices

20. Founder effects

21. Variability of realized relationship and inbreeding coefficients

22. Effective size and population inbreeding

23. Empirical molecular relationship from coefficient of correlation

24. Molecular relationship matrices in relation to genealogical relationship


Quantitative genetics

 1. Genetic structure of a quantitative trait

 2. Selection for components of the genotipic values

 3. The mendelian segregation in a quantitative locus

 4. Sampling of a quantitative trait

 5. Distribution of the additive genetic value for the descendents

 6. Empiric relation of genetic components beetween relatives

 7. Heritability estimation - Analysis of variance

 8. Heritability estimation - Regression analysis

 9. Selection effects on the genetic structure of a population

10. Inbreeding effects on the genetic structure of a population

11. Crossbreeding effects on the genetic structure of populations

12. Reciprocal Recurrent selection (RRS)

13. Selection index and breeding values distributions

14. Properties of the selection index as a selection criterion

15. Efficiency of selection indexes depending of the information source

16. BLP with multiple relationships, inbreeding and accuracy

17. BLUP animal model - Cost estimation of the mean and accuracy of â

18. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - Sire model

19. Best Linear Unbiased Prediction - Animal model

20. Correlated response

21. Genetic correlation between traits and linkage disequilibrium

22. Categorical traits. Threshold model

23. Comparison between selection criteria

24. Marker assisted selection efficiency

25. Background of detection a Qtl from a Marker locus

26. Relation between objective and criterion of selection