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Journal Papers

    1. Isolation and identification of the bacterial causative agents of clinical mastitis in cattle in Sulaimani district. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2008, 22 (1): 35-41.
      1. Bacteriological and pathological study of yolk sac infection in broiler chicks in Sulaimani district. Journal of Dohuk University 2008, 11 (1): 48-55.
      2. Pathological and bacteriological study of bumble foot cases in Sulaimaniyah province. Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences 2012, 5 (1):195.
      3. Prevalence and Bacterial Etiology of Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Cows in Al Sulaimaniyah District. Kufa Journal of Veterinary Medical Sciences 2012, 3 (1): 190-203.
      4. “Biochemical Characteristics and Titration of Leukotoxin of Fusobacterium necrophorum Isolated from Bovine Liver Abscesses”. Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research 2014, 11 (4): 48 – 57.

Conference Papers

1. “Bacteriological study of Fusobacterium necrophorum Isolates Recovered from Bovine Liver Abscesses in Sulaimaniyah Region” in proceeding of the 12th scientific conference of Technical Education Foundation, which was held in Baghdad on March, 2011.

2. “Extraction and Titration of Leukotoxins from Fusobacterium ecrophorum Isolates Recovered from Bovine Liver Abscesses in Sulaimaniyah Region” in proceeding of the 11th scientific conference of Veterinary Medicine College, which was held in Baghdad on April, 2012.