
At administration and economic college, Statistics and information department and business department, I am teaching two course namely;

1. Research method 4 th level statistics and information department

2. Operation Research 3 th level business department

3. University work environment 1 st level statistics and information department

Department of Economic

Stage: 2nd

No. of Students: 121

Department of Statistics

Stage: 4th

No. of Students: 95

My Philosophy in Teaching

My philosophy in teaching on an active approach i engage my students in discussion, activities, and higher-level thinking. I believe that all students can learn, and I employ structure in the classroom using routines and procedures to help students be comfortable and confident in class. i include interesting learning activities in my lessons to grab the attention of students and inspire them to learn.

students can learn from each other if given an environment that balances structure with interactive learning. Student's active and fun role as learners and thinkers in my class helps them enjoy learning and get excited about their education.