Shad A. Mohammed
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Shad Arif Mohammed and I am a lecturer holding (MSc) degree in Molecular Genetics, teaching in the School of Science at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq
Mohammed, L.O., Amin, A.M., Mohammed, R.M., Mohammed, S.A., Ahmed, L.I., Ahmed, V.R., Majid, S.B. and Mohammed, B.O., 2023. Seroprevalence of Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies among Patients with Cancer at Hiwa Cancer Hospital in Sulaimani City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Iranian Journal of Parasitology, 18(4), p.526.
Abu Sammour, D., Cairns, J.L., Boskamp, T., Marsching, C., Kessler, T., Ramallo Guevara, C., Panitz, V., Sadik, A., Cordes, J., Schmidt, S. and Mohammed, S.A., 2023. Spatial probabilistic mapping of metabolite ensembles in mass spectrometry imaging. Nature Communications, 14(1), pp.1-15.
Pfänder, P., Hensen, L., Razquin Navas, P., Solvay, M., Prentzell, M.T., Sadik, A., Heberle, A.M., Seifert, S., Regin, L., Bausbacher, T., Egger, A.S., Hotze, M., Kipura, T., Berdel, B., Karabogdan, I., Somarribas Patterson, L.F., Reil, M., Sayeeram, D., Peters, V., Ramos Pittol, J., van ’t Land-Kuper, I., Börding, T., Trump, S., van Pijkeren, A., Zhang, Y., Loayza-Puch, F., Kowar, A., Harder, S., Waltl, L., Gollowitzer, A., Kataura, T., Korolchuk, V.I., Mohammed, S.A., Sievers, P., Sahm, F., Schlüter, H., Koeberle, A., Hopf, C., Kwiatkowski, M., Sers, C., Van den Eynde, B.J., Opitz, C.A. and Thedieck, K. (2023) Tryptophan stress activates EGFR-RAS-signaling to MTORC1 and p38/MAPK to sustain translation and AHR-dependent autophagy. bioRxiv, 2023.01.16.523931.
Fadhl, H.N.M., Mohammed, S.A. and Abdulkarim, F.M., 2021. Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup study: residents of Sulaymaniyah city in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region may be genetically closer to European lineage. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 11(1), pp.1-6.
Mohammed, S. A., Najmalddin, H., Omar, Z. and Yarwais, Z. (2020). Automated Data Collection of Drosophila Movement Behaviour Assays Using computer Vision in Python . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Science Research, 4(1), pp. 15-22.
Mohammed, S. A., and Mohammed, M. H., (2018). Molecular and Evolutionary Statistical Data Analysis Package: An Approach toward Investigating DNA Codon Frequency Parameters in Distributed Database. (icpas2018),1 (1), pp.201-205.
Najmalddin, H., Taher, A., and Mohammed, S. A. (2015). Evolution, And Phylogeny Of Herv-S Family In Some Closely Related Primates. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani - part A. 17(4), 151-162.
E-mail: shad.mohammed@univsul.edu.iq
Mobile: +964(0)7702256599
I teach computer science at my faculty, including
1. information and communication technology (theory)
2. information and communication technology (practical)
My research interests focus on;
1- The application of Artificial intelligence and Machine learning on Mass Spectrometry Imaging data.
2- Application of Artificial intelligence and Machine learning on Molecular Genetics data.
3- Biomarker Discovery for Cancer.