Academic Profile

Dr.Salih Ahmed Hama

Qualification: Ph.D

Position: Ass. Professor

Profession: Dean of the College of Health Sciences/ University of Human Development

Address: University of Sulaimani

School of Science/ Department of Biology

Email Address:

(+964) - 7701495656

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

Personal information and Biography

Name and address: Salih Ahmed Hama (Ph.D)

Lecture of Immunology and Virology

University of Sulaimani- Iraqi Kurdistan region

New University campus/ Qliasan

School of science

Biology Department

Third floor, Room 3135

Mobile: 07701495656 or 07501118931



PhD in Virology/ Immunology, 2009, University of Sulaimani

M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Immunology, 2002, University of Sulaimani

B.Sc. in Microbiology, 1991-1992, University of Salahaddin, Hawler, Iraqi Kurdistan Region


I was graduated from Biology Dept. College of Science, University of Salahadin-Erbil- in Specialty of Microbiology. I have been employed for the first time in 1993 as a preparatory Biology teacher in Ministry of Education-KRG. My post graduate study started in 1999 when I joined to M.Sc. Courses in Biology Dept. of Sulaimani University in the field of Microbiology/Immunology. I was finished M.Sc. Degree in 2002 and the subject of my study was about the effects of Chemical warfare on the immune system of survivors from chemical bombing of Halabja- A city in the Sulaimani Governorate near the Iraq-Iran Borderline.

Since 2002 I was goined to The University of Sulaimani As assistant lecturer till 2007 when I was accepted as a Ph.D student. During this period I published four papers. I obtained Ph.D Degree in Oct. 2009 in the field of Microbiology/ Virology and my Ph.D thesis was on Prevalence of hepatitis B, C and D among different risk groups in Sulaimani Governorate.

Now I am a teaching staff member of Biology Department- School of science in University of Sulaimani.

I am currently working as a part time lecturer in KUST- MLS Dept. and I am teaching Introduction to MLS.

I have a great interest in research and scientific working beside my priority in teaching.

Skills and teaching experiences:

1. Teaching Advanced Immunology, advanced and diagnostic Virology for Postgraduate students (High diploma, and M.Sc. Students)

2. Teaching Immunology, Medical Bacteriology, and Virology for undergraduate students.

3. Teaching Lab. Techniques, serology and immunology for 1st and 2nd year students in Halabja technical Institute- Disease analysis Dept.

4. Teaching h uma n physiology for an academic year for 1st year students in Chamchamal technical Institute- Nursing Dept.

5. Teaching Medical Biology for an academic year for 3rd year students in Technical College - Community health Dept.

6. Teaching Medical Biology for an academic year for 1st year students in School on Dentistry – University of Sulaimani 2011-2012.

7. Teaching Medical Microbiology for an academic year for 2nd year students in school of nursing- university of Sulaimani 2010-2011.

8. Teaching Virology for an academic year for 2nd year students in School of Pharmacy-University of Sulaimani 2009-2010.

9. Teaching Toxicology for two academic years for 3rd year students in Technical College- Community health Dept.

10. Teaching scientific debate for 1st year students of Biology Dept.

11. Eight years teaching in Ministry of Education - Preparatory Schools- for Biology Subject.

12. Teaching Biology for Second, third, fourth, and Fifth Class of Exemplary Schools in Sulaimani in English language for three years.

13. Supervising the graduation research project of fourth year students of the Biology Department during the past years (more than ten research projects).

14. Participation in the discussion committee of three post graduate M.Sc. thesis.

15. Participation in the discussion committee of three High diploma students in ministry of health.

16. Participation in the discussion committee of the graduation research of fourth year students during the past years.

17. Preparation of three biology books in English language for preparatory exemplary schools/ KSC.

18. Writing two booklets (about Biological and Chemical weapons).

19. Preparing and writing the curriculum biology books for (3rd, 4th, and 5th class Preparatory schools in English).

20. Participation in more than 15 scientific committees for evaluation and scientific degrees (1 Ph.D and 11 M.Sc.).

21. Participation in scientific committees as a member in Biology Dept. and Faculty of Science.

22. Participation in more than 20 committees at the level of University, faculty and Departments.

- Post graduate supervising:

- Supervising a high Diploma in Microbiology under the title:

Human cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM seropositivity among pregnant women in Sulaimani city and its relation to abortion

- Supervising M.Sc. student in Microbiology under the title:

Detection of Hepatitis A and E IgG, IgM and nucleic acids in chemical bombardment survivors in Kurdistan

- Published researches

1. Invitro antibacterial activity of honey against some pathogenic bacterial isolates from Sulaimani Teaching Hospital. 2007. Kurdistan Academia Journal (A); Vol: 5 (No- 1): 65-71.

2. Inhibitory effects of Habbat Al-Sauda Seed,d (Nigella saliva) extracts against some pathogenic bacteria isolated from Sulaimani Teaching Hospital. 2007. Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol, 48: No. 1, 18-22.

3. The effect of chemical warfare agents on the immune system of survivors in Halabja. 2008. (JZS) Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 11(1) Part A (41-52)

4. Common health complains among chemical bombardment survivors of Halabja. 2009. Journal of Duhok University, Vol. 12, No. 1: 312-316.

5.Human Cytomegalovirus IgG and IgM Seropositivity among Pregnant Women in Sulaimani City and Their Relations to the Abortion Rates. 2013. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 5(4): 161-167.

Research Interests

Research interest includes the following fields;

1. Microbiology

2. Immunology

3. virology