Academic Profile

Nian Nariman Mohammad

Qualification:  Ph.D.

Position: Lecturer

Profession: Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Nanotechnology

Address: Chemistry Dept. 3rd floor-Room 3025

Email Address:

(+964) - 7701904849

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

My Name is Nian Nariman Mohammad, I was born in Sulaimaniyah City/ Kurdistan Region. I finished Elementary, Secondary, and Preparatory School in Sulaimaniyah City and joined the University of Salahaldin in 1996. I graduated from College of Science Education/ Chemistry Department in 2000. I started a job at the University of Sulaimani as lab assistant in Chemistry Department/ College of Science in 2000. Later, I started my M.Sc. study at the University of Salahaldin in 2005 and graduated in 2007. I continued my work at the University of Sulaimani as a lecturer and joined Ph.D. in Environmental Nanotechnology in 2016. During my Ph.D. study I have published 3 articles in high impact factor journals. Finally, I got my Ph.D. Degree in 2019. During my work at the University of Sulaimani, I have participated in tens of committees on the University, College, or Department level as a member or head. Furthermore; I have participated and organized tens of workshops and seminars. One of the important short courses that I have the chance to participate was in the Netherlands for 25 days at the IHE-UNESCO in the city of Delft in 2010. This short course create a motivation to study Ph.D. in the field of Environment.

Research Interests

Nian's research interest includes the following fields;

1. Nanotechnology

2. Environmental Sciences

3. Analytical Biochemistry