Research & Supervision

Recently I am working in seven researches major topics:

  1. Isolation and identification of Avian Influenza types in the Kurdistan Region Government (KRG).
  2. Serological & molecular biological study of Brucellosis in Cattle, sheep& Goat in Sulaimani.
  3. Study the Effect of Glycomacropeptide as an anti-toxin to V. Cholerae toxin.
  4. Study of Ecto and Haemoparasites in Domestic pigeon (Columbo Isoia domestic) in Sulaimania province, Kurdistan Region/Iraq.
  5. Molecular Characterization of Salmonella species isolated from one day old chicks and broilers at marketing age in broiler farms in Slemani Governorate.
  6. Antibiotic susceptibility and plasmid isolation from Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from infected canaries eyes.
  7. Evaluation of six Polymerase chain reaction techniques for detection of Infectious bronchitis in infected chicken.


I have acceptance for PhD proposal project for one student in Microbiology for this year (2015-2016).


I was supervising two MSc students:

1. Salm Sabih Abdulla ................................................Second Supervisor in Baghdad University/ College of Veterinary Medicine

2. Sirwan Muhammad Talib ......................................First Supervisor in Sulaimania University/ College of Veterinary Medicine.


I was supervising several students in the past years including:

    • In 2011-2012, I was supervising 2 students in the fifth level.
    • In 2012-2013, I was supervising 2 students in the fifth level.
    • In 2013-2014, I was supervising 3 students in the fifth level.
    • In 2014-2015, I was supervising 1 students in the fifth level.
    • Now I have Also 2 students in the fifth level. (2015-2016).