Academic Profile

Muhamad Tahsen Maruf

Qualification: phD

Position: Assistant professor   

Profession : Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition

Address: Natural Resources Department

College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Email Address:

(+964) - 07701468930

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

Muhamad Tahsen Maruf was born in Arbat - Sulaimani, Kurdistan-iraq in 15 /10 / 1979. He received the BSc. degree in Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agricultural sciences from Sulaimani University, in 2003, and the MSc degree in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition at the Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agricultural sciences from Salahaddin University, in 2010.



Ashty, 202, 45, 532

Slemani - Kurdistan/Iraq

Research Interests

Plant nutrition, Functions of nutrients and study of the chemical elements and compounds that are necessary for plant growth, and also of their external supply and internal metabolism.