Academic Profile

Prof. Dr. Monem aziz mohammed

Qualification: Ph.D. in Mathematical statistics

Position: Collage of Aminstration&Economic

Profession : Professor in Statistics

Address: Al-Sulamania- bakrajo-shinyar city No.922

Email Address:

(+964) - 7702268385 - Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

1- Name: Prof. Dr Monem Aziz Mohammed

Date of Birth: 1/2/1952 - Age: 63

Place of Birth: Wasit - Gender: Male

Marital Status: marriage.

2- 1. Department of Statistic Joined in November 1972

3- Department of statistic Joined in October 1980 and graduated in June 1982- Msc.

4- The Title of MSC. dissertation: "Some problems in the theory of batch service queues"

College of science, University of UMIST – Manchester – UK.

5-Department of Statistic and Information joined in October 1988 and

Graduated in July 1992 – PhD. College of science.

6-The Title of PhD dissertation: "Stochastic network system in queues system"

7- I got my Scientific Title (Professor) in 28-9- 2004.

8- we have more than (36 ) Articles in referred journals.

9- we have worked as Supervision for more than (17) Postgraduate Students.

10- we have associated in the following Scientific Conferences:

1- Bulgarian Scientifically Conference – Bulgaria 1992.

2- National Scientifically Conference for Statistical Science – Mosul- 2001.

3- National Scientifically Conference for Statistical Science – Mosul- 2002.

4- National Scientifically Conference for Statistical Science –Kufaa - 2003.

5- Scientifically Conference for Statistical Association - Baghdad -2004.

6- Scientifically Conference for Statistical Association with union of Arab Statisticians - Baghdad- 2011.

Research Interests

Dr. Monem research interest includes the following fields;

1- Time series and "Forecasting Models .

2- Non-parametric Statistical Models.

3- Cox- Regression and Survival Model.

4- Demography with Mortality and Fertility Models.

5- Reliability with Parametric Distribution Model.

6- Spectral analyses or analysis in the ‘frequency domain

7- Artificial neural network (ANN) Models.