
At Faculty of Veterinary Medicine , Department of Surgery and Theriogenology, I teach the Course(s) below:

1. Practical Fertility 4th class.

A. Femal Fertility.

B. Male Fertility.

2. Clinical- Theriogenology 5th calss.

Course Book

Department of (Surgery & theriogenology)

Stage: 4th

Classroom: 6

No. of Students: 48

Stage: 5th

classroom: 6

No. of Student: 56

My Philosophy in Teaching

I believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future. It is important to start by describing where I want to end. In other words, what are my objectives as a teacher? The rest of my philosophy should support these objectives which should be achievable and relevant to my teaching responsibilities; avoiding vague or overly grandiose statements.