Academic Profile


Majid  Khaleel Fattah


The head of department and Senior Lecturer in Modern Kurdish history


Academic and professional qualifications

 Student at Sulaimanyah university – college of humanities science during the years 2000- 2004 and was awarded bachelor’s degree in history studies and stood the first out of forty six graduates.

MA degree in history- the new and modern Kurdish history with the grade very good in the college of humanities at Sulaimani University in 2010.

MSC/MA thesis title; political regularizations of northern Kurdistan.

 Research and scholarly activities

Political Regularizations in northern Kurdistan- published by Kurdistan academia / book/2012

The relations of Kurds and insurgent movements in the ages of Islamic khalafat – published by Chwarchra/2009.

The fake of political Islam in Kurdistan- published by idea foundation/2014

Political Islam and Kurdistan Islamists- published 2013 by control center.

PKK and Kurdish fight for independence /translated into Kurdish language/2014.


ISIS studies- published by Chawder foundation/ 2015.

ISIS and ISIS study/published by idea foundation in 2015

Peaceful process between turkey and PKK /published idea foundation in 2015

Kurdish history in the era of Khalafat and Khawarige /published by Renma Centre

Outline Biography

Full Name: Majid Khaleel Fattah

Qualification: Ma

Position: Head of History Department

Profession : modern and temporary  history

Address: Sulaimani\ Hawraman  

Email Address: majid.fatah

Mobile: +964(0)7501840808

Research Interests

My research interest includes the following fields;

1.Modern and temporary Kurdish history

2. History of political Islam