Research & Supervision

A/ The Following Researches Are in The Process Of Publishing

1-Using Multiple Linear Regression Model and Ridge Regression for Studying Section Characteristics of Sub-grade Soils from North of Iraq

2-Heavy metal accumulation in Celery from Sarchnar and Kalar in Kurdistan Iraq Region.

B/ I am Supervising An MSC Student From The College Of Agriculture /department Of Soil And Water Sciences the Title Of The Research is

Waste Water Treatment By Using Constructed wetlands Systems as Physical and Biological purifiers for Irrigation Purpose.

C/ Recently I Prepared A Proposal For Phd Student Under The Name Of

1-Phytoremediation Of Waste Water Using Different Algal And Aquatic Micro/Macrophyte Special For Irrigation Purposes

2-Characterization Of Oil Quality Regard LDL And HDL Some Summer Oil Crop Species Under Different Climatically Condition And Irrigation At Sulaimany Region