Academic Profile

khalid hayder

Qualification: Ph.D.


Profession : Economics/The economics of the environment and industry

Address: Sulaymaniah

Email Address:

(+964) -

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

- Khalid Hayder A. Ali / 1968 / Iraq / Muslim / Married

- Bachelor of Planning and Development / Master in Public finance and economic development / Ph.D. in Environment and the economics of industrial production capacity

- Full Professor / economic adviser / many researches / teaching 22 years / 10 years administrative / membership organizations ...

- Coach with the UNOPS and the ILO and CIPE... Iraq in general.

Research Interests

My researches interest includes the following fields;

1.Economics of Industries.

2.Economics of Environment.

3.Public Finance.

4.Evaluation of Projects.
