Academic Activities Research activities: open the link below

Teaching courses

1-Optical mineralogy, second year Geology

2-Igneous rocks, Third year Geology

3-Metamorphic rocks, Third year Geology

4-Petrology: Second year geology

5-Geology of Iraq, forth year Geology, see some lectures

6-Acadimic Debate, First year geology

7-Sedimentary Basin, forth year Geology, see lectures

My CV Linked to published papers)

Personal information

Full Name: Kamal Haji Karim Ahmad

Place and date of birth: Sulaimani City, Kurdistan region, Iraq: 1/7/1957

Nationality: Iraqi

Gender: Male

Personal Status: Married


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Ph D: University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq, 2004

M Sc: University of Salahaddin, Iraq, 1988

B Sc: University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq, 1982

Department position: Present head of Department of Geology

Speaking Languages: Kurdish(native). Arabic, English and Persian

Scientific Degrees

Present-2009: Professor, University of Sulaimani, Department of Geology.

2009-2004-: Assistant Professor, University of Sulaimani, Department of Geology.

2004-1994: Lecturer, University of Sulaimani, Department of Geology.

1994-1989: Assistant lecture, University of Salahaddin, Arbil.

Research Interest: sedimentology

MSc Thesis Title:

Petrography and sedimentology of Lower Fars Formation in the bore hole (S1) from Hammam Al-Alil area Northern

Ph D Dissertation Title:

Basin analysis of Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniya area, NE-Iraq.

Published Papers

1. Karim K. H. and Al-Rawi, D. (1992) Facies analysis and basin reconstruction of Lower Fars Formation in the Shura bore hole no. 1, Hammam Alil area, and Mosul district. Iraqi Geological Journal, 25 (2): 63-87.

2. Karim, K.H. (1997) Stratigraphy of Sartaq-Bamo Area from northeastern Iraq. Iraqi geological Journal, 31 (1): 1997. see Full text

3. Karim, K.H., Lawa, F.A. and Ameen, B.M.(2001) Upper Cretaceous Glauconite filled boring from Dokan area/ Kurdistan Region (NE-Iraq), Kurdistan Acadimician Journal (KAJ) Vol.1 (no.1) Part A.

4. Karim, K.H. and Ghafoor, I.M (2000) Biostratigraphy of Upper part of Kolosh Formation from Sartaq Bamo area NE-Iraq. Scientific Journal of Dohuk University Vol.1, No.1, see Full text

5. Karim, K.H., Hamasur, G.A. And Tofiq, S.M. (2000) Qara-Chatan Rockslide in Pira-Magroon Anticline, Northeastern Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, part A, Vol. 3, No.1.see Full text

6. Karim, K.H., Jaza, I.H. and Ghafoor, I.M. (2001) New record of mammal and bird footprint in Miqdadiya Formation, Chamchemal area, NE-Iraq. Iraqi. Journal of Iraqi Geological Society. Vo. 34. No.1. see full text

7. Karim, K. H., Lawa, F.A. and Ghafoor, I.M (2000) New discovery of Carnivores mammilla fossils of Late Miocene – Early Pliocene age from Chamchamal area/ Kurdistan region/NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, part A, 3 (1): 33-47.

8. Karim, K. H (2003) A conglomerate bed as a possible lower boundary of Qulqula Radiolarian Formation. Kurdistan Academician Journal (KAJ) Part A, 2: 45-64.

9. Karim, K. H (2004) Origin of structure and texture of some Kurdistan Marble from as inferred from sedimentary structures, Sulamani area, NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 7 (1): 69-84. see Full text

10. Karim, K. H and Surdashy, A.M. (2005) Tectonic and depositional history of Upper Cretaceous Tanjero Formation in Sulaiumanyia area, NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 8(1): 1-20, see Full text

11. Karim, K. H and Ali S. S.(2004) Origin of dislocated limestone blocks, on the slope side of Baranan (Zirgoez) Homocline: A key to the development to western part of Sharazoor plain. KAJ, 3(1): 46-60. see Full text

12. Karim, K. H (2005) Origin of ball and pillow-like structures in Tanjero and Kolosh Formation in Sulaymania area, NE-Iraq. KAJ, Vol.4, No.(1.):1-15 see Full text

13. Karim, K. H and Surdashy A. M. (2006) Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Tanjero Formation in Sulaimaniya area, NE-Iraq., KAJ,4 (1): 19-42 see Full text

14. Karim, K. H. and Surdashy, A, A(2005) Paleocurrent analysis of Upper Cretaceous foreland basin: a case study for Tanjero Formation in Sulaimanyia area, NE-Iraq, Iraqi Journal of Science, 5 (1): 30-44, see Full text

15. Karim, K. H (2006a) Some sedimentary and structural evidence of possible graben in Chuarta-Mawat area, Sulaimanyia area, NE-Iraq. Iraqi, Jour. Earth Sci., 5 (2) :9-18 see Full text

16. Karim, K. H (2006b) Environment of Tanjero Formation as inferred from sedimentary structures, Sulaimanyia area, NE-Iraq. KAJ, 4 (1): 1-18 see Full text

17. Karim, K. H (2006) Evidence of Tsunamiite in the rocks of Upper Cretaceous from western Zagros. NE-Iraq.17th international Congress of Sedimentology, (abstract book). 2006. see Full text

18. Karim, K. H (2006)Thick conglomerate and sandstone succession as evidence of for colliding of Arabian and Iranian Plates during, upper Cretaceous in western Zagros, NE-Iraq, NE-Iraq.17th international congress of sedimentologist, (abstract book).

19. Karim, K. H with Ismail, K. M. and Ameen, B.M. (2008) Lithostratigraphic study of the Contact between Kometan and Shiranish Formations (Upper Cretaceous) from Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 4 (2): 16 -27 see Full text

20. Karim, K. H and Baziany, M.Q. (2007) Relationship between Qulqula Conglomerate Formation and Red Bed Series, at Qulqula area, NE-Iraq, Iraqi journal of Earth science, Mosul university, 7 (1): 75-88 see Full text

21. Karim, K. H (2006) Comparison study between Khabour and Tanjero Formations from North Iraq, – Iraqi Jour. Earth Sci. 6 (2): 1-12. see Full text

22. Karim, K. H., Surdashy A. M. and Al-Barzinjy S.T. (2007) Concurrent and lateral deposition of flysch and molasse in the foreland basin of Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene from NE-Iraq, Kurdistan Region. GRMENA-2. Geologic Conference of Middle East and North Africa, Egypt. Cairo.) pp.757-769. see Full text

23. Karim, K. H and Ameen B. M. (2007) Evidence of Tempestites and possible Turbidite in the Middle Miocene Lagoonal deposits of the Lower Fars Formation, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq,. GRMENA-2. Geologic Conference of Middle East and North Africa, Egypt. Cairo.)1: 745-756. see Full text

24. Karim, K. H (2007) possible effect of storm on sediment of Upper Cretaceous Foreland Basin: A case study for tempestite in Tanjero Formation, Sulaimanyia Area, NE- Iraq. (Iraqi journal of Earth Science, Mosul university, on Sediments, 7 (2): 1-10. see Full text

25. Karim, K. H (2007) Lithology of Avroman Formation (Triassic) Northeast Iraq. Iraqi journal of earth Science, 7 (1): 1-12. see Full text

26. Karim, K. H, Al-Barzinjy, S.T. and Ameen and B. M. (2008) History and Geological Setting of Intermontane Basin in the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 4 (1): 21-33, see Full text

27. Karim, K. H and Ameen, B.M.(2008) New sedimentologic and stratigraphic characteristics of the Upper boundary of Qamchuqa Formation( Early Cretaceous) in Northwest of Erbil , Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 4 (1): 1-13. see Full text

28. Karim, K. H, Habid, H.R. and Raza S. M.(2009) Lithology of the Lower part of Qulqula Radiolatrian Formation (Early Cretaceous)Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 5(1): 9-23. see Full text

29. Karim, K. H. and Ameen B. M.(2009) Facies Analysis of Early Cretaceous Arabian Platform from Northeastern Iraq, Kurdistan Region, GERMENA III, Vol. 5, see Full text

30. Karim, K. H and Baziany, M.M (2007) A new Concept for the origin of accumulated conglomerate, previously known as Qulqula Conglomerate Formation at Avroman-Halabja Area, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 3 (2): 33−41. see Full text

31. Karim, K. H, Fatagh, A. I, Azad Ibrahim, A. and Koy, H. (2009) Historical development of the present day lineaments of the Western Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt: A Case study from Northeastern Iraq, Kurdistan Region 2009. Iraqi Journal of Earth Sciences, 9 (1): 55-70. see Full text

32. Karim, K. H and Taha Z.A.(2009) New ideas about Gulneri Shale Formation (early Turonian) in Dokan area, Kurdistan Region, NE- Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining. 5 (2): 29-39. see Full text

33. Ameen B M and Karim, K. H (2009) Depositional environment of Early Cretaceous Arabian Platform: an example from Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq Proceeding of 3rd scientific conference of the College of Science, University of Baghdad, p. 1949-1965. see Full text

34. Khanaqa, P.A, Sissakian V.S., Karim, K. H, Karim, S.A.(2009) Lithostratigraphic study of a Late Oligocene-Early Miocene succession, south of Sulaimaniyah, NE-Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and mining, 5 (2): 41-57. see Full text

35. Karim, K. H (2010) Modification of the time-expanded stratigraphic column of North East Iraq during Cretaceous and Tertiary. Published in: Petroleum Geology of Iraq (First Symposium, 21-22april, Baghdad, Abstract book, p4. see Full text

36. Daoud H. S. and Karim, K. H. (2010) Types of Stromatolites in the Barsarin Formation (Early Jurassic), Barzinja Area, NE-Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 6 (1): 47-57. see Full text

37. Karim, K. H., Khanaqa P.A., and Ameen B.M. (2010) Types of recent microbialite in slightly acidic spring in Ranyia area, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and mining, 7 (2) 27-40. see Full text

38. Karim, K.H. and Taha, Z.A. (2009) Tectonical history of Arabian platform during Late Cretaceous An example from Kurdistan region, NE Iraq. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1(1): 1-14. see Full text

39. Hussein, A. M., Abdullah K. O., Karim, K. H.(2008) Determination of natural isotope and radionuclide of outdoor high dose rate in Garmik area-Kurdistan Region NE-Iraq. Journal of Kirkuk University. see Full text

40. Karim K. H., Koyi, H., Baziany, M.M and Hessami, K. (2011) Significance of angular unconformities between Cretaceous and Tertiary strata in the north western segment of the Zagros fold–thrust belt, Kurdistan Region, NE- Iraq. Geological Magazine, Cambridge University Press, 148 (5-6): 925-939. see Full text

41. Ismail K. M., Khanaqa, P.A. and Karim K. H. (2010) Biostratigraphy of bluish marl succession (Maastrichtian) in Sulaimanyia Area, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi National Journal of Earth Science,11 (2): 81-99. see Full text

42. Karim K. H., Khanaqa, P.A., Ismail, K. I. and Sissakian V.(2012) Facies analysis of the Oligocene succession on the Sharwaldir anticline, NE of the Kalar Town, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 8 (2): 1-19. see Full text

43. Al-Badrani, O. A., Karim, K. H. and Ismail K. M (2012) Nannofossils Biozones Of Contact Between Kometan And Shiranish Formations, Chaqchaq Valley, Sulaimanyia, NE Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, Vol.8, No.1, p 19–29. see Full text

44. Karim K. H. and Taha, Z.A.(2012) Origin of Limestone Conglomerate In Dokan Area, Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, 8 (3):15-24. see Full text

45. Ghafor, I.M., Karim K.H. and Baziany M. M.(2012) Age determination and origin of crenulated limestone in the eastern part of Sulaimaiyah Governorate, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of geology and Mining, 8 (2): 21-30. see full text

46. Karim K. H., Al-Hamadani R. K. and Ahmad S. H.(2012 ) Relations between deep and shallow stratigraphic units of the Northern Iraq during Cretaceous. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, 4 (2): 93-103. see Full text

47. Khanaqa, P.A., Karim, K.H. and Thiel, V. (2013) Characeae-derived carbonate deposits in Lake Ganau, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Facies ,( Springer Verlage), 59(4): 653-662. see Full text

48. Karim, K. H. and. Solaiman S.H(2012) Origin of lateral thrust in Mawat Area, Kurdistan, NE-Iraq. First International Conference on Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Koyia University, Koyia Town, WIT Press, p.183-195. see Full text

49. Karim K. H. (2013) New geologic setting of the Bekhme Formation, 1st Geological Conference of Kurdistan (Geokurdistan 2012), Journal of Zankoy Sulamani (JZS),15 (3): 23-38. see Full text

50. Karim K. H., Salih, A.O. and Ahmad, S. H. (2013) Stratigraphic Analysis of Azmir-Goizha anticline by Nannofossils, Accepted for publishing in Journal of Zankoy Sulamani (JZS), 15 (2): 103-124. see Full text

51. Karim, K. H., Ali, S.S. and Aziz, B.Q.(2012) Geophysical and geological investigation of the Delga proposed Dam site, Qala Diza, Sulaimani City, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, (JZS) 15 (1)

52. Sacit, Ö., Karim, K. H. and D. M. Sadiq (2013) First determination of rudists (bivalvia) from NE Iraq: Systematic palaeontology and palaeobiogeography, Bulletin of MTA, (Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey), 147: 31-55. See full text

53. Karim, K.H., Sissakian, V.K., Al-Ansari, N. and Knutsson, S. 2014. Effect of the Sun Radiation on the Asymmetry of Valleys in Iraqi Zagros Mountain Belt (Kurdistan Region). Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, 4 (2): 23-32. see Full text

54. Karim, K.H. and Khanaqa, P.A.(2014) Association of rudists and red clastic facies in the upper part of Aqra Formation, Mawat area, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 8 (5): 2751–2759 see Full text

55. Ghafor, I.M., Karim, K.H. and Sissakian, V. (2014) Biostratigraphy of Oligocene succession in the High Folded Zone, Sulaimam, Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, , 7(9): 3599–361see Full text

56. Karim K. H. and Ahmad, S.H. (2014) Structural analysis of the Azmir–Goizha anticline, north and northeast of Sulaimani city, Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq), journal of Zankoy Sulaimani – Part A (JZS-A), 16 (1): 45-68. see Full text

57. Khanaqa, P.A, Karim, K. H, and Riegel, W. (2015) Evidence of a Quaternary dammed Lake in the Mawat–Chwarta area Evidence of a Quaternary dammed Lake in the Mawat–Chwarta area, Western Zagros, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. CATENA (Elsevier) 125: 74–81. see Full text

58. Karim,K.H., Baziany, Sharbahzeri, K.I.(2015) Origin of Fossiliferous Limestone Beds inside the Upper Part of Tanjero Formation at the Northwest of Sulaimani Area, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq, 17 (1):155-165. see Full text

59. Karim, K.H. (2016) Facies Changes Between Kolosh and Sinjar Formations Along Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt in Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Journal of Geography and Geology; 8 (1):1-13. see full text

60. Khanaqa P. A. and Karim, K.H.( 2015) Stratigraphical and Structural Analyses of the Sagrma (Sagerma) Anticline, Sulaimani Area, Iraqi Kurdistan Region. Journal of Geography and Geology; Vol. 7, No. 4;, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education. See Full text

61. Karim K H, Bety A, Khanaqa P A(2015) Geomorphology of the Piramagroon–Kanikhan valley, Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region, North Iraq, International Journal of Geography and Geology, 12 (4): 12- 28 See Full text

62. Karim K H, Al- Hakari S HS, Kharajiany S O. A and Khanaqa P A.2016 Surface analysis and critical review of Darbandikhan (Khanaqin fault), Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq Kurdistan Acadimicis Journal (KAJ), 12(1): 61-75. See Full text

63. Karim, K H Al-Khafaf A O, and Sharnazheri K I(2016) Critical analysis of the type section of the Balambo Formation (Valanganian-Turonian), Sirwan valley, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq, Journal of Zankoi Sulaimani, Special Issue: 189-202 See Full text

64. Karim KH. Hama, NR, and A-bidary, M (2016) Paragenesis of Asnawa Iron Ore in Penjween Area, Zagros Suture Zone Kurdistan Region, North-eastern Iraq, 7 :164-178. See Full text

65. Karim KH and Khanaqa PA (2016) Lithology and stratigraphy of the Cenomanian/ Turonian boundary in Zagros orogenic belt: examples from Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq, Iraqi Geological Journal, 39 – 49, No.2. See full text

66. Karim KH, Ahmad SH, Esmael HF (2017)Thrust fault in the Maastrichtian sequences of Mawat area, NE Iraq, Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining,13 (1): 63 − 77

67. Karim K H and Khanaqa P A (2017) Synclines contribution to mountain peak building: examples from Western Zagros, Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq, Arabian Journal of Geoscience, Full text

68. Karim, K H, Daoud H S and Kuradawy A.H. (2018) Record of Khurmala Formation (Late Paleocene – Early Eocene) in the Sulaimaniah Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq. Iraqi Geological Journal, 51(1): 34-55. see full text

69. Karim, K H. Baziany, M M and Khanaqa P A (2018) New Ideas and Critical review of Middle Eocene Gercus Formation, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq JZS, 20 (2): 81-94.see full text

70. Bucur,I I, Karm KH, Daoud H, Granier B, Khanaqa P A(2018) A new organ-species dasycladalean green alga from Darbandikhan, Kurdistan, Iraq, Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11:484. See Full text

71. Karim K H, Al-Barzinjy S T and Khanaqa P A ( 2018)Geology and critical review of the Upper Cretaceous Zagros chalky limestone (Kometan Formation) from Sulaimani Governorate, Northeastern Iraq, Bull. Min. Res. Exp. (2018) 157: 59-74 see full text

72. Kamal H. Karim, Irfan M. Yara, Soran O. Kharajiany, Polla A. Khanaqa, Khalid M. Sharbazheri, Mushir M. Baziany, Yousif O. Mohammad, Sherzad T. Mohammed (2018) Stratigraphy and Facies Analysis of the Govanda Formation from Western Zagros, Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq, Iraqi National Journal of Earth Sciences Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 69 -98. see full text

73. Cretaceous Paleodictyon Trace Fossils: Evolutionary Mimicry Tactic Versus Burrowing: Examples from the Kurdistan Region, Northeastern Iraq. In:Paleobiodiversity and Tectono-Sedimentary Records in the Mediterranean Tethys and Related Eastern Areas. Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018, ISBN 978-3-030-01452-0. See full text:

74. Karim KH (2020) Early Cretaceous calciturbidites facies from Zagros Fold–Thrust belt: a key to paleogeography and environment of northeast Arabian Platform Passive Margin, examples from Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq , Carbonates and Evaporites 35(19), see full text

75-Three papers are waiting for publishing

Participation in Conferences

1.1st scientific conference of Salahaddin University, 1990

2.Eleventh Iraqi geological conference. Baghdad, 1997

3.1st scientific conference of Dohuk University 2000.

4. 1st scientific conference of Kurdistan Geological society, 1995.

5.1st scientific conference of Kurdistan Geological society 1996.

6-17th International Congress of Sedimentology, Fukuka, Japan, 2006.

7-International Conference on Geo-resources in the Middle East and North Africa, Egypt, Cairo, 2007 (GRMENA2).

8-International Conference on Geo-resources in the middle east and north Africa , Egypt, Cairo, 2009.( GRMENA3).

9-Petroleum Geology of Iraq (First Symposium, 21-22, April 2010, Baghdad)

10-1st Geological Conference of Kurdistan (Geokurdistan 2012)

11-First International Conference on Petroleum and Mineral Resources (2012), Koyia University, Koyia Town.

12-70th Geological Congress of Turkey (GCT), 10-14 April, 2017 Ankara, Turkey

13-1st Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geoscience from 12-15, 11, 2018, Tunisia


1-Supervising of tens of geological reports

2- Supervising of the construction of the Azimr Tunnel (Largest tunnel in Iraq)

3-Theses Supervision

1-Tectonostratigraphic tratigraphic evolution of the northeastern Arabian Plate in Kurdistan since the Jurassic, PhD by Sirwan Hama Ahmed

2-Sedimentlogy and geochemistry of the Limestone successions of the lower Member of the Qulqula Formation, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq, PhD, By: Sardar Mohamad Rada

3-Sedimentology and lithostratigraphyof Qamchuqa Formation from Kurdistan Region, NE−Iraq, PhD thesis by Bakhtiar Mohamad Ameen

4- Biostratigraphic contribution to the differentiation of the Lower-Middle Cretaceous units in the Imbricated Zone of Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq, PhD thesis 2014, by Araz Omer Salih Rashid Al-Khafaf.

5-Tectonic evolution of the Zagros Foreland basin during Late Cretaceous –Paleocene in the Duhok ana Rabil areas, NE-Iraq, PhD Thesis, 2012, by: Rabea Khalaf Hassan Zanad

6- Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Former Qulqula Conglomerate Formation, Kurdistan Region, NE. Iraq. MSc thesis, 2006 by Mushir Qadir Baziany

7- Sedimentology of Late Cretaceous Formation from Kurdistan Region, NE−Iraq, MSc thesis,2008, by Zardasht Ahmad Taha

8-Supervising of tens of geological reports

9-Supervising of the construction of the Azimr Tunnel (Largest tunnel in Iraq).

Research Interests

My research interest includes the following fields;

1. Sedimentology

2. Tectonics