Academic Profile

Academic Profile

Jamal Mahmood Faraj

Qualification: P.h.D

PositionAssistant professor 

Profession: Plant Biotechnology

Address:  Department of Horticulture, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani , Bakrajo,  Kurdistan region of Iraq

Email Address:

Mobile No: 00964 7701574052

My Google Scholar


ORCID link    0009-0002-5863-7242

Outline Biography

My name is Jamal Mahmood Faraj, I am a lecturer at the University of Sulaimani, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Horticulture Department, in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. I have finished BSc. degree in 2005 in horticulture science and finished MSc. in the filed of plant Breeding and genetics in 2010.  I received a Ph.D. degree in plant biotechnology from Nottingham University, United Kingdom, in 2017.  At present, my research interests focus on Plant Breeding, plant tissue culture and plant biotechnology. My MSc work was carried out on Characterization of a mutation in some varieties of English ivy (Hedera helix L.) by molecular and histological methods. During my Ph.D., I worked on overexpression on the HvDYT1 gene on barely and Lily for crop improvement is entitled Manipulation of Agronomic Traits in Barely and Lily for Crop Improvement.

Research Interests

My research interest includes the following fields;

1. Plant Molecular Biology

2. Plant Tissue culture