Academic Profile

Hisham Arif Getta

Qualification: MBChB / FIBMS

Position: Lecturer

Profession : Hematopathologist

Address: Sulaimani

Email Address:

(+964) - 07701910736

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


I am a graduate of al mustansiriya university, College of Medicine and also I am a member of the Iraqi board of medical specialization in haematopathology. The term has been used in our specialty is either Hematopathology or Laboratory Hematology, whatever the term, we are interesting in the diagnostic aspect in Hematology diseases, in addition to the morphology interpretation of the hematopoietic cells in the peripheral blood or bone marrow, some time we are involving in laboratory tests as a technique, whether as a direct work up or as a supervisor, on academic field, we give both theoretical and practical sessions for both under and postgraduate students. The lectures cover all the laboratory aspect of the hematology diseases in anemia, Hemato-oncology, Hemostatic disorders & Blood Bank.

Research Interests

Hisham research interest includes the following fields;

1. Blood Bank

2. General Hematology