2023-2024 Courses
Department of Physics
(Computationa Physics)
Stage: Second
Classroom: Hall 3
No. of Students: 52
Department of Physics
(Optical Laboratory)
Stage: Second
Classroom: optical Lab
No. of Students: 43
Department of Physics (Atomic Laboratory)
Stage: Third
Classroom: Atomic Lab
No.of Student: 37
University of Sulaimani / College of Education / Department of Physics
2023-2024 Courses
Computational Physics ( 4th semester )
Atomic Laboratory (6th semester )
Optical Laboratory (3rd semester )
2022-2023 Courses
Advanced Calculus (3rd semester )
Atomic Laboratory (6th semester )
Optical Laboratory (3rd semester )
2021-2022 Courses
Advanced Calculus (3rd semester )
Atomic Laboratory (6th semester )
Optical Laboratory (3rd semester )
2020-2021 Courses
General Physics (1st semester )
Atomic Laboratory (6th semester )