Curriculum Vitae

Full Name: Hemin Othman Ghareeb Salih

Place & Date of Birth: Sulaimani, Iraq – 4/11/1984

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Address: Iraq, Sulaimani/Kaziwa 2.


Mobile: +964(0)7703545045

Knowledge of Languages:

Kurdish (mother tone)

English (Read and Write)

Specialty: Mechanical Engineering



R. B. Weli, I. A. Hamakhan and H. O. Ghareeb. Noise Assessment in Centrifugal Pump Operation. Energy Technologies Conference, ENTECH’14, Istanbul, 22-24 Dec. 2014.

IDRES  A. HAMAKHAN, RIZGAR B. WELI and HEMIN O. GHAREEB, Diagnostic Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Using Induced Noise And Vibration.

Hemin Othman Ghareeb,Hassan Abad Al-Wahab Anjal, An Investigation of the Impacts of Ethanol-Diesel Blends on Emission and Combustion Parameters of Diesel Engine,International Journal of Heat and Technology, V 41,P 513-528, 2023


Engineering Mechanics

Engineering Mathematics

Engineering Drawing

Fluid Mechanics

Engineering Thermodynamics

Heat transfer