Organic Farming / Lecture Notes

- Week 1: Introduction to Organic Farming ( Scope, Nature, History, Types of organic farming)

 Practical: Land preparation & sowing vegetables seeds

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- Further Reading...

- Week 2: Integrated Farm Management Systems (Rotation design, Cash crops, Managing waste, Permaculture, Polyculture, Biodynamics etc

 Practical weeding and watering

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- Further Reading...

- Week 3: Organic Management Issues (Certification, Environmental concerns, Marketing)

 Questioner and presentation (student has 2 weeks to prepare)

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- Further Reading...

Week 4: Organic Soil Management and Crop Nutrition I (Composting)

 Practical compositing and manure fermentation

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Week 5: Organic Soil Management and Crop Nutrition II (Mulching, Green manuring, Cover crops, Organic fertilizer)

 Practical (mulching)

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Week 6: Weed Management (Weed identification, Selecting appropriate techniques of control)

 Group presentation

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Week 7: Pest and Disease Management I

 Group presentation

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Week 8: Pest and Disease Management II

 Group presentation

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Week 9: Livestock Management (Beef, Dairy, Sheep, Poultry)

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