Course: Agricultural Ploicy

Course overview:

 The importance of ‘policy’ is now recognised by most development experts. Policy is one of the key drivers of Agricultural development efforts at all scales of activity.  At the same time, policy operates within broader spheres of rural politics at local, national and global scales.  The aim of this course is to provide a good understanding of the agricultural and food policy environment, the policy formulation process, and the role, rationale and economic consequences of government intervention in food and agricultural markets. It will develop the skills and working knowledge necessary to critically assess current and potential changes to domestic and global agricultural and food policy, trade policy, environmental and natural resource policy, and market regulations. 

Students will gain experience conducting the analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of different stakeholder groups, with a particular focus on the poor and vulnerable.

 The course will provide you with the necessary theoretical and practical background, knowledge and communication and hands-on work skills. It will be useful for future career opportunities as an agronomist, entrepreneur, agribusiness manager, financial manager, adviser, and policymaker.

Student learning outcome:

 Each student who successfully completes this course will understand key concepts in the principles of Agricultural policy and have the ability to: 

The Objectives of This Course:

Student's obligation

- Students are expected to attend all lectures during the semester. 

- They will be assumed to be aware of all information and notices presented in the lectures, and complete all assessments including (Exams, practical works, assignments, reports, essays, seminars and presentations).

- These activities or exercises serve to reinforce student comprehension of the subject matter or skill through active participation (Group projects, Seminar discussion and Presentation) and practice immediately following a technique-based demonstration.


- Roger D. Norton - Agricultural Development Policy_ Concepts and Experiences (2004, Wiley)

- Jeremy Holland - Tools for Institutional, Political, and Social Analysis of Policy Reform_ A Sourcebook for Development Practitioners (2007, World Bank)

Course outline:  

1st week:                                                                               


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2nd week:  


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3rd week:  

Taxes, subsidies, and price controls.

Agricultural policy and Macroeconomic Framework

Fiscal expenditure and subsidies 


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4th week:

Agri-Food Trade Policies, Trade Agreements & Trade Disputes 

Gains from Trade and their Distribution 

EEC, NAFTA, and APEC Trade Agreements

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Trade Disputes, Antidumping and Countervailing Duties 

Effects of Exchange rate Changes on agri-food trade flows

Commodity Price Boom, Food Security and Global Poverty:

Causes and consequences of recent commodity price boom

Implications for food security and global poverty

Implications for the Agri-food Sector in Iraq & KRG


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5th Week:

Causes and Nature of Government Intervention 

Economic Consequences Government Intervention in Agriculture 

Interest Groups Competition and agricultural Policies 

Interest Groups, Agricultural Policy Process and Policy Reform


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6th Week:



Land reform laws and issues in Iraq and KRG


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7th Week:



Domestic and international issues


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8th Week:

Policy Objectives for agricultural and Rural Finance

Macroeconomic Policy to Support Agricultural and Rural Financial Intermediation

Domestic and international issues


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9th Week:

Issues in agricultural research and development

Issues in agricultural extension


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10th Week:

Macro-Level Analysis: Understanding the Country and Reform Context

Meso-Level Analysis: Understanding the Policy Implementation Process

Micro-Level Analysis: Understanding the Impacts of Policy Reform


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11th Week:

The PIA Analytical Framework and Process

How to Use The PIA Modules


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12th Week:

Soil and water conservation


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