
For (2021-2022) I am teaching the following:

1- In Mathematics Department - General Topology 3rd stage - first semester (2021-2022) - Course Book

2- In Chemistry Department - Differential Equations - 2nd stage - First Semester Course Book

3- Topics in Topology - 3rd Stage - Second semester.

4 - General Topology - 4th stage

5- Supervisor of Ph.D. Student (Working in Soft Topology)

Department of Mathematics Courses

Finite Mathematics

Stage: First Stage

Classroom: M 8

No. of Students: 120

My Philosophy in Teaching

For Bachelor Degree:

1. General Topology -4th Stage

2. Mathematical Analysis - 3rd Stage

3. Finite Mathematics - 1st Stage

4. Foundations of Mathematics - 1st Stage

5. Linear Algebra - 2nd Stage

6. Ordinary Differential Equations - 3rd Stage

7. Complex Analysis - 4th Stage

8. Discrete Mathematics - 2nd Stage.

9. General Mathematics - 1st Stage.

10. Topics in Topology


For M.Sc. I can teach

1. Advanced Mathematical Analysis.

2. General Topology.

3. Seminar.

For Ph.D

Advanced Mathematical Analysis.