
My Google Scholar

Journal Papers:

  1. Hamaur, G. A., 1999. The Quantitative Analysis of the Qara-Chattan Rock-Slide from northeastern Iraq. Proceeding of the First Scientific Conference of Duhok University (27-29 / April /1999), Journal of Dohuk University.
  2. Hyam S. Daoud, Ramona Bale and Ghafor A. hamasur., 2010. Microfossil Assemblages and Diagenesis of Balambo Formation From Azmer Mountain In Northeast Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. Iraqi Bulletin of Geology and Mining, Vol.6, No.2, p. 1-16.
  3. Karim, K. H., Hamaur, G. A. and Mohamad, S. T., 1999. Qara-Chattan rock-slide from northeastern Iraq. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani,Sulaimani, Iraq.
  4. Hamasur G. A.,2009. Rock Mass Engineering of the Proposed Basarah Dam Site, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, NE-Iraq. PhD Thesis, Published in
  5. 5 Hamasur G. A. Slope Stability Assessment Within and Around the Reservoir of the Proposed Basara Dam- Sulaimani- NE Iraq

Conference Papers

    1. 1998- Proceeding of the First Scientific Conference of Duhok University, Duhok, Iraq.