Academic Profile

Dlzar Dlshad Ghafoor


Position: Lecturer

Profession: Biochemistry-Protein Crystallography

Address: Chemistry Dept. 4th floor-Room 4007


(+964) - 7701387097

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

My name is Dlzar D. Ghafoor, I was born in Rawanduz City- Erbil Governorate in 1977. I graduated from Azadi high school in the City of Erbil in 1992. I joined the University of Salahaddin-College of Science-Chemistry Department. In the last year of my B.Sc. study I joined the University of Sulaimani and graduated in 2000. I got the highest grade among my graduating class. I started my Enzymology in the late 2003 and graduated in 2006. After that I joined a Ph.D. program at the University of Sulaimani- College of Science, Chemistry Department and got Ph.D. degree in protein Crystallography. I did my Ph.D. research between 2011-2012 at the University of Liverpool- Institute of Integrative Biology- Molecular Biophysics group. My supervisor Professor Dr.Richard Strange supported me throughout the project. During my Ph.D., I visited University of Essex Colchester Campus-School of life Science for two weeks and we published a paper in collaboration with Dr.Mike Hough and professor Dr.Michael Wilson. The interesting part of the 1 year visit to the UK was doing the data collection from the protein crystals at the Diamond Light Source which is the UK’s national synchrotron science facility, located at the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire. I am now working at Komar University of Science and Technology as full-time faculty and since 2017 as the chairperson of MLS department. During my academic years at the University of Sulaimani and Komar University of Science and Technology, I participated in hundreds of committees as a head or member. For now I am teaching undergraduate students, postgraduate students and supervising M.Sc. students.

Research Interests

Dlzar's research interest includes the following fields;

1. Protein crystallography.

2. Molecular Biology

3. Enzyme Kinetics