
At college of humanitis___________ , Department of __history_________ I teach the Course(s) below:

1. History of the Ancient Near East

2. History of Greece and Romans

My Phiosophy in Teaching

One excellent way to engage students in the classroom and create real word connections is to utilize technology and maintain one’s current knowledge as a teacher. Today, students are constantly enveloped in technology. Using technology in the classroom spawns student interest and connects lessons to their everyday lives. Incorporating technology in the classroom is a must, not only to engage students but to prepare them for the rapidly growing and changing world. Technology should be used in every way possible in the class- rooms. In order to maintain this goal, it is important to continue one’s education as a teacher. Teachers need to stay informed and current in their knowledge of technology as they do their content area.

Department Course code

Stage: 1

Classroom: (Hall 3)

No. of Students: 46

Course code

Stage: 1

Classroom: hall 5

No. of Students: 41