Curriculum Vitae


Dler Shamsulddin Hamid

Degree: M.B.Ch.B.,,,, F.I.B.M.S

Title: Lecturer



Mobile: +964(0)7701992605


1. prevalence of flu like syndrome among chronic Hepatitis C infected patients treated with the first line combination therapy ( pegylated interferon a-2a and ribavirin ). International Journal of Development Research Vol. 06, Issue, 02, pp. 6605-6608, February, 2016.

2. Pegylated interferon α 2a therapyand occurence of sinus tachycardia in chronic hepatitis C infected patients. Donnish Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences.

3. left ventricular hypertrophy in chronic kidney disease in Sulaimani city. Journal of Sulaimani Medical College,

4. A preliminary report about the detection of ventricular re polarization in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease .Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, vol 15, issue 4, August 2020, pages 284-291

Experience: internist since 2007

lecturer since 2013

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