Curriculum Vitae

Name: Diyari Abdalrahman Mohammed

Degree: -BSc in Building &Construction Engineering at Sulaimani University (2011-2012).

- MSc in Geotechnical Engineering (2018-2019).

Title: Assistant Lecturer

Department: Civil Engineering Department


Mobile: +964(0)7725184787

Publications: Four Journal Research


* Site engineer at Mondi Group and supervisor of Cement Bag Factory at Bazyan\ Sulaymaniyah - Iraq (2012).

* Site engineer at Lava company in project of creating two gardens at Bakrajo\ Sulaymaniyah - Iraq (2013).

* Site engineer at Lava company in project of creating sewerage with concrete road at Bakrajo\ Sulaymaniyah - Iraq (2014).

* Site engineer at Ramk company in project of creating two gardens at Bakrajo\ Sulaymaniyah - Iraq (2015).