Academic Profile
Education & Clinical Experience:
- Sulaimani Secondary School: (1995-2001), Iraq
- Sulaimani Medical College: (2002-2007), Iraq. M.B.Ch.B.
- Internship: 2 years (Oct 2007- Oct 2009)
- M.Sc. (Master's degree of Science) in physiology On Dec 2011 (from Dec 2009- Dec 2011)
- Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in Endocrine Physiology in Feb 2019 (from 2016 to 2019)
- Assistant lecturer at University of Sulaimani/Faculty of Medical Science since July 2012
- Lecturer at University of Sulaimani, College of Medicine since Feb 2019
Clinical experience:
Internship; 24 months (Oct 2007- Nov. 2009)
General Medicine, 3 months
CCU; 5 months
Neurology; 1 month
Oncology/hematology; 1 month
Nephrology (renal dialysis)/ophthalmology/dermatology
Chwarbax hospital; 1 month
General Surgery, 3 months
OB/GYN, 3 months
Pediatrics, 3 months
Chamchamal General Hospital; 2 months
Rania General hospital/Gynecological department; 1 month
Kalar General Hospital; 1 month
Page visits
Outline Biography دەریا سعید عبداللطيف
Last name: Abdulateef
First and second name: Darya Saeed
Place of birth: Sulaymaniyah- Iraq
Darya Saeed Abdulateef
Qualification: MBChB, M.Sc. Human Physiology (Cardiac Electrophysiology), Ph.D. Endocrine Physiology (HPT-axis and HPA- axis)
Position: Teaching staff, Membrane and Receptor Module director
Profession: Assistant Professor
Address: College of Medicine/Medical Education Department
Email Address:
Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq
As a Specialist (Physiologist):
At Pulmonary Function Test department at Sulaymaniyah General Teaching Hospital from 7 Dec 2011 till 4 July 2012, then one day per week from July 2012 till now
Giving Lecturer and practical Session of Physiology from
4- July 2012 to July-2019 at Physiology Department, College of Medicine, Univerisity of Sulaimania, and Tutoring the small group teaching sessions of the new curriculum in the following Modules; Medical physic Module, and Metabolism Module to first stage students, and Membrane and Receptor Module, Cardiovascular, Respiratory system, Urinary system, Gastrointestianl system Modules to the second stage students, and working one day per week at Pulmonary Function Test department at General Medical Hospital (writing the reports of the Pulmonary Function Tests).
Courses attended:
1. ERS online course on Clinical exercise testing, core principal, 2020.
2. One year training course- online ARTP Spirometry in Practice (Nov 2016)
3. Pain course (20-21th Oct 2015)
4. Epidemiological surveillance Systems, Health inforation Systems and ICD10-Classification of Diseases at Nov 2015 Titanic Hotel/Sualymaniyah.
5. Courses on How to read faster at Feb 2014, form Headway professional center (Huthifa Al-omaqi)
6. Teaching methods course for 3 months (Sep 2012- Dec 2012) at Sulaimania University/Faculty of Physical and Basic Education/School of Basic Education
As a speaker at Conferences:
1. E-Poster presentation at Physiological Society’s virtual conference-Future Physiology2020, July 7th, 2020
Presenting article "Assessment of hair cortisol in Euthyroid, hypothyroid and subclinical hypothyroid subjects" in In the Third International Medical Conference-Sulaymaniyah April 2019.
International Conferences attended:
1. ERS International virtual conference-Sep 2020
2. Physiological Society’s virtual conference-Future Physiology2020, July 6th-10th 2020
3. Third International Sulaymaniyah Medical Conference, April 2019
Sharing publication in scientific journal and magazine:
Sharing in (Zansty Sardam) scientific seasonal publication from 2009-2015
Book published:
Uzery's Electrocardiography (Jan 2020) as a co-author with AbdulKareem Uzery.
Published articles:
Misdiagnosis of COVID-19 infection before molecular confirmation in Sulaimaniyah City, Iraq (June 2022)
Recent Advancements on COVID-19: A Comprehensive Review (Dec. 2021)
Scalp hair sweating as a predictor of hair cortisol level in human compared to obesity and other confounders (Dec. 2021)
A Severe Case of Falciparum Malaria, 10 Years After Malaria Eradication: A Case Report (June 2021)
COVID-19 severity in relation to sociodemographics and vitamin D use (April 2021)
Detection of C-Peptide in Scalp Hair of Healthy Adults (Feb 2020)
Assessment of hair cortisol in euthyroid, hypothyroid, and subclinical hypothyroid subjects (Published 2019)
Smoking Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Among Health Care Professionals from Sulaymaniyah City/Iraq. (Published 2016)
The efficacy of bifocal right ventricular pacing in cardiac resynchronization therapy for the treatment of heart failure.(Published 2013)