

Journal Papers


1. Effects of Using Different Percentages of Fenugreek Flour to Improve the Sensory, Rheological Propertiesand Keeping Quality in Maize Dough to Produces Gluten-free Breads. Journal  of  Agricultural  Science  and  Technology  A , Volume 3, Number 5, 2013.

Abstract: Effect of the addition of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum L.) flour to maize (Zea mays L.) dough recipe at different levels of 1, 3 and 5% on flour base for tanoor bread was investigated. Fenugreek as fenugreek flour was used to better understand the sensory properties like volume, crust, color, symmetry, bake uniformity, texture, grain, aroma, and taste. Also some rheological properties like gelatinization temperature and maximum viscosity of gluten-free maize dough with bread keeping quality were used. The results indicates that the biggest volume was obtained by using 5% fenugreek flour and the best symmetry value, bread texture, crumb color, and the most desirable aroma and taste were obtained by using 1% fenugreek flour, while the addition of 5% fenugreek flour increased gelatinization temperature and maximum viscosity and breed keeping quality.

Keywords: Maize, Zea mays L., Fenugreek, Trigonella foenum graecum L., sensory and rheological properties, keeping quality, gluten-free bread.

2. Response of some Soybean Varieties Glycine max (L.) Merrill, to Planting Dates and Phosphorous Fertilization in Sulaimani Region. Kurd. Acad. J. (KAJ), -A-, Special Issue: 1st International Conference of Agricultural Sciences held by Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani, and Kurdistan Academic Association, 20 – 21 Nov 2013. 

Abstract: This study was carried to evaluate the response of four soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merrill,  varieties: Century-84 (MG II), NARC-2 (MG II), Willams-82 (MG III), and Hutcheson (MG V) to three planting dates ( May 7th , May 22nd , and June 7th ) and three rate of phosphorus fertilization ( 0, 60, and 120 Kg P2O5.ha-1 ) during the growing season ( 2004) at Kanipanka and Qlyasan locations. The design of split-plots within factorial experiment with three replications was used. Parameters such as seeds oil and protein contents were evaluated. The result shows differences among the varieties in seeds oil and protein contents. At Bakrajo, Hutcheson and Williams-82 contained the highest oil and protein percentages of 25.12 %, and 40.85 % respectively. At Kanipanka, Hutcheson and NARC-2 contained the highest oil and protein percentages of 22.27 %, and 46.18 % respectively. Planting in three different dates gave different significant values in relation to seeds oil and protein contents, thus at Bakrajo planting on June 7th gave the highest percentages of protein (41.37 %). At Kanipanka, planting on May 22nd gave the highest oil percentages of (21.79 %), but planting on June 7th gave the highest protein percentages of (47.07 %).   Concerning the effect of phosphorus fertilization on seeds oil and protein contents, at Bakrajo, the fertilizer rate (60 Kg P2O5.ha-1) gave the highest oil and protein percentages of 24.84 %, and 42.54 % respectively. At Kanipanka, the fertilizer rate (120 Kg P2O5.ha-1) gave the highest oil and protein percentages of 22.29 %, and 45.86 % respectively.

Keywords: Soybean, oil and protein Percentage, planting dates, phosphorous fertilization, locations.

3. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Yield and Agronomic Characters among some Maize Genotypes and Their F1 Hybrids in a Diallel Cross.  Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A, Special Issue, Vol. 16, 2014. 

Abstract: Grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.) can be improved by understanding the interrelationships among yield, yield components, vegetative growth, and growth period. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship among some of the most important growth and yield traits by using correlation coefficient and path coefficient Data were obtained to from 25 F1 hybrids including reciprocals in a diallel mating design. Kernels yield plant-1 had positive and significant correlation with No. of kernels row-1, kernels weight ear-1 at both locations, and with cob weight at Kanipanka location, while has no significant correlation with the other characters. Path analysis indicated that kernel weight ear-1, No. of ears plant-1, and No. of kernels row-1 showed high direct effect on kernel yield plant-1 at Kanipanka location, while at Qlyasan location No. of kernel row-1, 300-kernel weight, No. of ears plant-1 , and kernel weight ear-1 showed the high direct effect on kernel yield plant-1, these traits can be considered as principal yield component and the breeder can be use these as selection criteria for kernel yield improvement.

Keywords: Maize, Zea mays L., Correlation coefficient, Path coefficient analysis.

4. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Grain Yield and Yield Components in some Barley Genotypes Created by Full Diallel Analysis in Sulaimani Region for F2 Generation.International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences (IJPAES), Vol. (5), Issue (4), 2015.

Abstract: This investigation was conducted at Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani (Lat 35o 34' 307'' ; N, Long 45o 21' 992'' ; E, 765 masl)during (2013 – 2014) to estimate the simple correlation coefficient among characters and to determine the path analysis between grain yield and their components. Using five parents and their 20 crosses made by 5×5 full Diallel cross system in this experiment. The results confirm the presence of highly significant and positive correlation between  grain yield  with no. of spikes/plant, weight of spikes/plant, 1000 grain weight and biological yield, while significant and positive correlation between  grain yield  with  plant height and average grain weight/plant  were observed. Maximum positive direct effect on grain yield recorded by no. of spikes/plant with 0.538. Maximum positive indirect effect in grain yield recorded by weight of spikes/plant via no. of spikes/plant with 0.331. 

Keywords: Barley, Correlation Analysis, Path Coefficient Analysis,  Grain Yield .

5. Genetic Analysis in Some Barley Varieties and their Hybrids in F2 Generation. International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences (IJPAES), Vol. (5), Issue (4), 2015.

Abstract: Five two-rowed barely varieties were sown in full diallel cross including reciprocals at Sulaimani – Qlyasan Research Station to produce 20 crosses. During the winter season of (2013-2014), 25 genotypes (20 F2 crosses + 5 parents) were sown in a completely randomize block design CRBD with 3 replications. The most important results can be summarized as follow:

Keywords: Barley Crops, Full Diallel Cross, Grain Yield, Highly Significant, Reciprocal Cross.

6. Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Seven Field Pea ( Pisum sativum L. ) Genotypes Created by Half Diallel Analysis in Sulaimani Region for F2 generation.  International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences (IJPAES), Vol. (5), Issue (4), 2015.

Abstract: The present study was carried out in Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani (Lat 35° 34ʹ 307ʹʹ; N, Long 45° 21ʹ 992ʹʹ; E, 765 masl) during the winter season (2012 – 2013). Twenty eight F2 field pea plant populations were grown in CRBD (Complete Randomize Block Design) 7×7 half diallel cross system in this experiment, with three replications to determine the simple correlation Coefficient among characters and path analysis between weight of seeds/plant and other characters. It was observed that the character weight of seeds/plant correlated positively and highly significantly with the character No. of pods/plant, weight of pods/plant, biological weight/plant and harvest index recording (0.857, 0.839, 0.694 and 0.505) respectively. The character biological weight/plant and harvest index exhibited maximum positive direct effect in weight of seeds/plant recording (0.630 and 0.456) respectively, the character No. of pods/plant showed the highest positive indirect effect in weight of seeds/plant via harvest index recording (0.191).

Keywords: Field Pea (Pisum sativum L.), Correlation Analysis,  Path Coefficient Analysis,  Grain Yield.

7. Homeostasis and Genotypic Resultant for the Main Spike Characters of Two-rowed Barely. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A,  Vol. (18), No.(1), 2016.

Abstract: Five genotypes of two-rowed barley (Hordeum distichum L.) named MORA, ABN-B, Arabi Aswad, Clipper and Bohoth H1 with their twenty F1 progeny were evaluated in Kurdistan Region-Iraq at three different locations, Erbil-Grdarasha, Garmian-Kalar and Sulaimani-Qilyasan during the winter season 2011-2012 using Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in order to study the homeostasis and genotypic resultant growth and spike characters. The results revealed highly significant effects due to genotypes × locations in most of the studied characters with exception of flag leaf length, spike length, and grin weight / spike. Parent 1 was the best genotype which had the highest homeostasis values for five characters no. of grain / spike (0.936), flag leaf length (0.915), peduncle diameter (0.962), spike length (0.933) and no. of spiklets / spike (0.975), while the hybrid (1×2) had the highest homeostasis values for three characters flag leaf length (0.985), spike length (0.988), and no. of spiklets / spike (0.990). So the homeostasis of these genotypes needs to be better evaluated in a set of environments tested across different years. Very high genotypic resultant values were obtained for no. of grain / spike (1.135 by the hybrid 2×5), flag leaf length (1.074 by the hybrid 5×4), spike length and no. of spikelets / spike (1.061 and 1.059, respectively by the hybrid 2×5) indicating these genotypes having high performances at different environments and should be not ignored in future studies.

Keywords: Two-rowed barley, Homeostasis and Genotypic Resultant Analysis, Main spike characters.

8. Correlation and path coefficient analysis in five inbred line of maize (Zea mays L.) and their F1 and F2 hybrids under different conditions using line × tester analysis. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A,  Vol. (18), No.(2), 2016.

Abstract: This investigation was conducted on maize (Zea mays L.) at two environmentally different locations in Sulaimani, viz. Kanipanka and Qlyasan. The objective was to investigate the correlation between kernel yield and other agronomic characters and their direct and indirect effects on yield through path coefficient analysis. For the first generation at Kanipanka, correlation studies revealed significant positive relationship of kernel yield with number of rows/ear, while at Qlyasan, kernel yield had significant positive correlation with plant height number of kernels/row and kernel weight/row. For the second generation kernel yield/plant had highly significant correlation with most of the studied characters at both locations. For the first generation, the path analysis revealed that, number of ear/plant and number of kernel/row recorded the maximum positive direct effect in kernel yield/plant at Kanipanka and Qlyasan, while the maximum negative direct effect in kernel yield exhibited by plant height and number of ear/plant at Kanipanka and Qlyasan. The maximum positive indirect effect on kernel yield/plant recorded by number of ear/plant via plant height and the maximum negative indirect effect recorded by plant height via number of ear/plant at Kanipanka location, while at Qlyasan location number of kernel/row gave the maximum positive indirect effect via kernel weight/row and the maximum negative indirect effect recorded by number of ear/plant via kernel weight/row. For the second generation, the maximum positive direct effect in kernel yield recorded by number of ear/plant and plant height at Kanipanka and Qlyasan locations, while the maximum negative direct effect recorded by 300-kernel weight at both locations. The maximum positive indirect effect showed by number of ear/plant via number of rows/ear at Kanipanka location. At Qlyasan, the maximum positive indirect recorded by plant height via kernel weight/ear. The maximum negative indirect effect recorded by 300-kernel weight via plant height at both locations. These results detected that number of ear/plant, number of kernels/row and plant height may be used as reliable criteria for improving kernel yield in maize.

Keywords:  Zea mays L.; Correlation Analysis; Path Coefficient Analysis; Grain Yield.

9. The Simple Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Some Yield Components of Durum Wheat in Two Seasons in Iraqi Kurdistan. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A,  Vol. (18), No.(3), 2016.

Abstract: This investigation was conducted during the winter seasons of 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 at Qlyasan Agriculture Research Station, Faculty of Agricultural sciences, University of Sulaimani, using split plot design the main plots conducted in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates to study the effect of organic matter and removal treatments on the yield of durum wheat Ovanto cultivars. Highly significant and positive correlations recorded between grain yield & spike weight, grain weight/spike and harvest index at the first season. At the second season highly significant and positive correlation were recorded between grain yield and spike weight and harvest index and significant and positive correlation with spike length and biological yield at the second season. Concerning the path coefficient analysis, grain yield represented the dependent variable and no. of spikes/m2, spike weight/m2, average spike length, no. of spikelets/spike, no. of grains/spike, grains weight/spike,1000-grain weight, biological yield (t/ha) , harvest index and grain yield (t/ha), were the independent ones. Maximum and positive direct effect in grain yield recorded by grain weight/spike at the first season and harvest index at the second season reaching 0.639 and 0.822 respectively.

Keywords: Durum wheat, Yield, Correlation coefficient and path analysis.

10. Correlation and Path Analysis in Barley Under Rainfall Conditions. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A,  Vol. (18), No.(3), 2016.

Abstract: Some genotypes of six-rowed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were cultivated under rainfall conditions at two winter growing seasons 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 in the fields of Agriculture Research Station at Qlyasan, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani in order to study the relationships between some agronomic traits and to identify the most important traits of a direct effect of the grain yield to be adopted as a criterion for selection. Highly significant and positive correlation were present  between grain yield and all characters at both seasons except straw yield which was not significant  at the first season and it was significant and positive at the second season, and harvest index at the first season which was  significant and positive .Maximum positive direct effect in grain yield recorded by biological yield at both seasons, while maximum indirect effect recorded by 1000-grain weight via biological yield  at the first season and straw yield via biological yield  at the second  season.

Keywords: Genotypes, Grain yield, Correlation coefficient and path analysis.

11. Genetic Analysis in FiveInbred Line of Maize (Zea mays L.) and Their F1 and F2 Hybrids under DifferentConditions Using Line × Tester Analysis. Proceeding ICNS 2016, First International Conference of Natural Sciences, ISSN 2520-5749. Charmo University, 2016.

Abstract: Five inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were used in this investigation to produce two generations. The hybridization consisted of 2 lines (MSI 4218 and MSI 4279) and 3 Tester (MSI 42100, ZP 434 and 5012). Pooled analysis of variance for both generations across locations confirmed the presence of highly significant differences for all of the effects for most of the studied characters. The cross 2×5 gave the highest values for kernel yield/plant for F1 at Kanipanka and F2 at Qlyasan locations and the cross 2×4 recorded the maximum values for kernel yield/plant for F1 at Qlyasan and F2 at Kanipanka locations. The maximum positive GCA effects were recorded by parent 2 and 3 for the first generation at Kanipanka and Qlyasan locations respectively, while parent 4 obtained the highest values for the second generation at both locations. Maximum positive SCA values obtained by the cross 2×5 for F1 at Kanipanka and F2 at Qlyasan locations, while the cross 2×4 for F1 at Qlyasan and F2 at Kanipanka locations. The interaction of lines × testers recorded the greatest contribution to the total variance concerning kernel yield/plant for both generation and at both locations.

Keywords: Combining ability, Pooled analysis, Line × tester, Zea mays L.

12. Correlation and path coefficient analysis in some durum wheat varieties and their F1 hybrids using line x tester analysis. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani- Part A,  Vol. (19), No.(2), 2017.

Abstract: The current experiment was carried out at Qlyasan research station / Faculty of Agricultural Sciences / University of Sulaimani, using seven durum wheat varieties according to lines × testers’ analysis system producing twelve crosses. The parent’s varieties (Bakrajo1, Gerardo 574 and Cham 3) were used as lines while the parental varieties (Ovanto, Acsad 65, Apio and Crezo) were used as testers. The seven parental varieties and their twelve F1 crosses were planted in Completely Randomized Block Designs and replicated three times to calculate the simple correlation coefficient and path analysis. The results of this experiment showed that parent 1 exhibited the maximum values for the characters grain yield/plant, number of days to 50% anthesis, plant height and number of spikes/plant, while the cross Bakrajo 1 × Acsad 65 recorded the higher value due to grain yield/plant. The character grain yield/plant recorded a highly significant and positive correlation with 1000-grain weight and significant positive correlation with plant height and number of spikes/plant. The maximum positive direct effect on grain yield/plant recorded by the character number of grain/spike reaching 0.567, while maximum positive indirect effect on grain yield/plant recorded by Spike length via number of grains/spike with 0.432, the results showed that number of grains/spike, spike length as well as number of grains/spike have major contribution in increasing the yield and it must be considered when selecting wheat varieties in breeding programs.

13. Response of some Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) varieties to Zn fertilizer Under Dry-farming Conditions. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, Part -A-, Special Issue 4-5th April 2018, Pp. 143-155., ISSN: 1812-4100.

Abstract: This investigation was conducted during the winter seasons of 2016-2017 at The Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station, College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaimani, using split-plot design the main plots conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates to study the effect of three levels of zinc fertilizer on the growth, yield, and yield component of rapeseed varieties. The three varieties; Serw, Hybrid and Reandy were implemented in the main plots, three zinc fertilizer levels (0, 20 and 40) kg Zn/ha from the ZnSO4 source was implemented in the subplot. Comparisons between means were carried out by the least significant difference (L.S.D) at 1 % and 5 % level of significance. The results of this investigation confirm that variety of Reandy produced the best values for most characters and the application 40Kg Zn/ha was found to be the best level for this crop. The character seed yield showed positive and highly significant correlation with most characters including plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of pods per plant, the weight of pod per plant, average pod weight, 1000-seed weight, dry matter weight per plant and biological yield. The maximum positive direct effect on seed yield recorded by an average pod weigh with 0.898, while the maximum positive indirect effect on seed yield recorded by biological yield via average pod weight with 0.840.

Key Words: Rapeseed varieties, Zn Foliar Application, Growth, Yield and yield component, Oil percentage, Correlation, and Path Analysis.

14. Effect of tillage systems on yield and its components of seven cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) varieties and performing correlation, path and cluster analysis under Sulaimani condition. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, Part -A-, Special Issue, April 4-5th, 2018, Pp. 199-208., ISSN: 1812-4100.

Abstract: This study was conducted during the 2015 season at The Qlyasan Agricultural Research Station / College of the Agricultural Sciences / University of Sulaimani. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replicates was used to study the effect of two tillage systems using (Mould board plow and Disc plow) on seven cowpea varieties (Vigna unguiculata L.) in terms of agro-morphological characters and yield assessment. Mean comparisons were performed by the least significant difference test (L.S.D) at 1% and 5% levels of significance. Correlation and path coefficient analyses were performed to determine the degree of association of characters with yield and also among themselves and to detect the relative importance of the characters contributing to grain yield. Cluster analysis based on (UPMAG) was implemented to identify the genetic diversity of the genotypes. The results of this study confirm that plowing with mouldboard recorded the maximum values for all of the studied characters which indicate the effectiveness of this system compared to disc plow. Tropicana variety achieved the best values for most of the studied characters, while Ramshorn using mouldboard plow gave the highest values for the character root length and number of branches per plant respectively. Grain yield per plant were recorded highly significant positive correlations with Pod yield/plant, number of pods per plant, pod length with 0.978, 0.766, and 0.755 respectively, while significant positive correlation was noticed between grain yield per plant and  pod weight and 100-grain weight with  0.560 and 0.541 respectively. Maximum positive direct effect in grain yield recorded by pod yield per plant with 0.906, while maximum positive indirect effect in grain yield recorded by number of pods per plant via pod yield per plant with 0.771. Cluster analysis indicated three groups in both tillage systems depending on the agro-morphological data with a small difference because (American Cowpea) genotype was in the first group in mouldboard plow and in second groups in disc plow tillage systems results indicated the presence of high variability between genotypes in both tillage systems. 

15. Evaluation of Some Grass Pea Genotypes (Lathyrus sativus L.) for Forage, Seed Yield and Its Components Under Rainfed Conditions in Sulaimani Region. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, Vol. (19), No. (3), 2019, Pp.35-46., ISSN: 1813-1646 (Print); 2664-0597 (Online).

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at the College of Agricultural Sciences Engineering/University of Sulaimani, during the winter season of 2016-2017 to study the evaluation of some grass pea genotypes for forage, seed yield and its components under rainfed conditions. A randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates was used. Six genotypes of Lathyrus sativus L., one of these is local named (Marble) and the fifth other (IF1344, IF1953, IF1346, IF1332, and IF1347) obtained from ICARDA, were included in this study. Means comparison was carried out using the least significant difference test (LSD) at 0.05 significant levels. The results showed that the effect of genotypes on forage yield characters was significant for the character’s fresh forage yield and dry matter percent but the effects were not significant for the character dry forage yield. Marble (Local) genotype gave maximum yield of green forage, while genotype IF1953 recorded minimum green forage yield. But concerning dry matter percent, the highest value exhibited by IF1346 genotype, in which IF1332 gave the lowest value of dry matter. Concerning the effect of genotypes on forage yield components, which was significantly affected all characters with the exception of the character leaves/stem ratio was found to be not significant, IF1346 genotype recorded maximum values of plant height and dry leaf percent, while minimum value of plant height recorded by IF1332 genotype but minimum percent of dry leaf was exhibited by Marble genotype. Regarding the characters No. of branches.plant-1, fresh stem percent and dry stem percent, Marble genotype gave the highest values for these traits, in which the lowest value of the trait No. of branches.plant-1 recorded by IF1346 genotype, but minimum values of fresh stem and dry stem percent exhibited by IF1347 genotype respectively. a cluster analysis results of all grass pea genotypes based on forage yield and its components, showed that there were two major (K= 2) groups for studied grass pea genotypes, the first group consist of five genotypes were (IF1344, IF1953, IF1346, IF1332, and IF1347) and the second group was one genotype (Marble). But regarding seed yield and its components, the highest values of these traits (biological yield, pods number.m-2, pod yield, and seed yield) were exhibited by genotype IF1344. Maximum values of (plant height, an average of pod length and 100 seeds weight) acquired by genotype IF1332, on the other hand, genotype IF1953 gave the highest values of (no. of branches. plant-1, pods weight.plant-1 and seeds number.plant-1), but concerning both traits (pods number.plant-1 and seeds weight.plant-1), maximum values were recorded by genotype IF1346. These results indicate the presence of variability between genotypes used in this study.

16. Inheritance of Some Growth and Yield Traits in Bread Wheat Using Line × Tester Analysis. Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, Part -A-, Vol. (21), No. (2), 2019, Pp.131-148.,  ISSN: 1812-4100, DOI:

Abstract: Seven Bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.) were used in this investigation. Three genotypes namely (Maroof, Aras, and Hasad) were used as female parents (lines) and four genotypes namely (Alla, Tamuz-2, Adana and Sabr Beg) were used as male parents (testers). The 12 F1’s hybrids with their 7 parents were evaluated during 2018-2019 growing season. Genotypes  were crossed in a line×tester matting in Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with three replicates at two Locations; Kanipanka and Qlyasan, at Sulaimani city in Iraqi Kurdistan Region. The pooled analysis of variance confirmed that location had a significant effect on almost all of the studied traits, but it has no effect on grain yield plant-1. The results proved a significant difference between the studied locations in all characters except the final yield. At Kanipanka location, Sabr Beg and the cross Maroof×Tamuz-2 granted the highest yield; 26.303  and 23.914 g plant-1 respectively. At Qlyasan location Tamuz-2 and the cross Hasad ×Tamuz-2granted the highest yield;19.875 and 19.724 g plant-1 respectively. Tamuz-2 recorded the highest positive General Combining Ability values (2.331and 2.479) for grain yield plant-1 at Kanipanka and Qlyasan, respectively. The cross Maroof ×Tamuz-2 showed the maximum positive SpecificCombining Ability effect values (3.034) for grain yield plant-1 at Kanipanka, while at Qlyasan the cross Aras×Sabr Beg record the maximum value with 1.743. Testers brought many variations in the expression of the trait grain yield plant-1 at Kanipanka and Qlyasan, respectively. At both locations, the ratio of σ2gca /σ2sca value was less than one (0.062 and 0.450) and the average degree of dominance value was more than one (4.005 and 1.490) which confirmed that the non-additive gene effect was in control for the trait grain yield plant-1. The maximum desirable positive heterosis value (26.082) recorded by the crosses Maroof×Tamuz-2 at Kanipanka location, while at Qlyasan location the cross Aras×Sabr Begrecorded the maximum desirable positive heterosis value (26.989) for grain yield plant-1.

17. In Vitro Assessment of Kurdish Rice Genotypes in Response to PEG-Induced Drought Stress. Applied Science, Vol. (10), Issue (13), 2020, Pp. 4471., ISSN 2076-3417, DOI:

Abstract: Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is productively affected by different environmental factors, including biotic and abiotic stress. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the genetic distinction among Kurdish rice genotypes using the simple sequence repeats (SSRs) molecular markers and to perform in vitro tests to characterize the drought tolerance of six local rice genotypes. The polymorphic information content (PIC) varied from 0.38 to 0.84 with an average of 0.56. The genetic distance ranged from 0.33 to 0.88. Drought stress had a significant impact (p ≤ 0.05) on callus growth parameters. Enzymatic antioxidant systems were predicted and exhibited a significant variation. The findings revealed that proline levels increase in proportion to polyethylene glycol (PEG) concentrations. Kalar and Gwll Swr genotypes showed the worst performances in phenotypic and biochemical traits, while Choman and Shawre exhibited the best phenotypic and biochemical performances. A positive and substantial relationship between callus fresh weight (CFW) and callus dry weight (CDW) was found under stressful and optimized conditions. Callus induction (CI) was positively and significantly associated with the catalase activity (CAT) in all stressed treatments. Based on the results for callus growth and the biochemical parameters under stress conditions, a remarkable genotype distinction, based on the tolerance reaction, was noted as follows: PEG resistant > susceptible, Choman > Shawre > White Bazyan > Red Bazyan > Gwll Swr > Kalar. The CI and CAT characteristics were considered as reliable predictors of drought tolerance in rice genotypes.

18. Gene Action of Some Agronomic Traits in Maize by Half Diallel Cross at Two Locations in Sulaimani -Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS), Vol.53, Issue (2), 2022.

Abstract: This research was aimed to study combining ability for growth, kernel yield, and its components, for maze (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, which evaluated in 8×8 diallel crosses. At two locations, Dukan and Qlyasan, at the Sulaimani region.  Significant genetic variability was found in all genotypes for all characters except no. of ears/plant. Highest significant general and specific combining ability were observed for most characters, revealing the importance of both additive and non-additive gene action, at the same time a low ratio of Ϭ2GCA/ Ϭ2SCA was recorded for all traits at both locations vice versa the average degree of dominance was more than one, this indicates to the high contribution of a non-additive gene effect. Heritability in broad sense was found to be high, while a narrow sense, it was low for all traits at both locations. Significant differences were noticed between both locations for kernel yield and most of its components, confirming the exceeding Dukan location. 

19. Partial Diallel Analysis of Maize Lines for Kernel Yield and its Components in Sulaimani - Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS), Vol.53, Issue (3), 2022.

Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate combining ability among maize inbred lines. Randomized complete block design with three replicates was used to study the general combining ability of parents, and specific combining ability of 12 F1s. Combining ability was studied in a partial diallel cross in maize for traits yield and attribute at two locations (Qlyasan and Kanipanka) at Sulaimani Governorate. The cross 3×6 produced the highest value kernels yield and most of the attributed traits as the average of both locations. Mean squares due to crosses, GCA and SCA were highly significant for most traits as the average of both locations. The ratio of σ2gca/ σ2sca was found to be less than one for all traits except days to silking and rows/ ear at the first location, ears/plant, and kernels/row at the second location, and days to silking, plant height, rows/ear and kernels/row as the average of both locations which were more than one, this confirms the importance of both additive and non-additive gene effect in the inheritance of these traits. Heritability in broad-sense was found to be highest for days to tasseling and silking, ear width, kernels/row, and 300 kernels weight, while for narrow sense, it was low to moderate for different traits. 

20. Breeding Potential of Rice Genotypes in Two Agroclimatic Conditions of Sulaimani - Kurdistan Region - Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS), Vol.54, Issue (3), 2023.

Abstract: This study was aimed to investigate the genetic variability of 26 rice genotypes and evaluation at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Gaba and Chawtan which were completely different in their environmental condition during the season of 2019. The performances of the genotypes were analyzed at both locations as well as the average of both. Simple coefficients of correlation were used to assess the grain yield components and their relationships. Path analysis was used to determine the direct and indirect effects of such components on grain yield plant-1. The genotypes were grouped based on the agro-morphological features using cluster analysis. Almost all of the traits at both locations and the average of both locations showed highly significant differences; Chawtan outperformed Gaba location for the traits no. of tillers plant-1, no. of panicle plant-1, 1000-grain weight, and plant-1 grain yield, whereas higher values were found for plant height and no. of grains panicle-1 for Gaba location. At both locations, there was a highly significant and positive association between the number of tillers and panicles in plant-1 and grain yield plant-1. The number of panicle plants-1 had the most favorable direct effects on grain yield at both locations. At both locations, the highest positive indirect effect on grain output was provided by the number of tillers plant-1 via the number of panicle plant-1. Based on the agro-morphological features, the rice genotypes were grouped into 5 clusters at both locations. At both locations, Cluster V gave better values regarding grain yield.

21. Stability Analysis of Maize Genotypes According to Different  Methods. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 23, Issue (3), 2023, Pp. 112-126. 

Abstract: This study was carried out in Sulaimani - Iraq to evaluate the stability and adaptability of maize crop genotypes under four different environmental conditions, of eight inbred lines of maize, and their crosses (Zea mays L.). Four inbred lines (NADH 905, NADH102, NA106, Sara NA) were designated as lines, and four inbred lines (NA 225, NAHD503, ZN12, NAPI5012) were fixed as testers. The data is combined across sites and seasons to perform a joint analysis in order to obtain information that will help breeders select the best cultivars for different environments. Beyond this, it is essential to understand the different factors that can hamper the selection. According to (Elsahookie, and Al-Rawi, 2011), the maximum percentage of stability for kernel yield was 96.61% recorded by the parentNA106, while for genotypic resultant it was 1.067% recorded by the Crosse NA106× NAPI5012. According to Eberhart and Russell (1966), it was found that the cross NADH 905×NAPI5012 was adaptable for kernel yield. According to (Francis, 1977) it was found that the crosses NADH102×NA225, NADH102×NAPI5012, Sara NA×NAHD503, parents NADH 905, and NA225 had good performance and stable kernel yield. 

22. Genetic Analysis of Fatty Acids, Oil and Protein Percent in Maize (Zea mays L.) Using Partial Diallel Mating Design. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 23, Issue (4), 2023, Pp. 58-73. ,

Abstract: The aim of this research is to study the effect of herbs extracts (Mint, Dill, Tarragon and the combination of these herbs) supplementation on the chemical composition, antioxidant activities, rheological and sensory properties of local soft cheese (Paneeri Salik) during three weeks of storage. The addition ratio of herb extract was 6.5 % v/w for each cheese treatment then compared with the control cheese treatment. Only the moisture percentage was significantly different at level (P<0.05) in the cheese treatments which contain herbs from the

control treatment, the herbs cheese moisture decreased in three weeks whereas the other chemical properties (Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate, Ash and Acidity) were not significantly different. Mint, Dill, Tarragon and mix herbs supplementation increased scavenging of free radicals and enhanced the antioxidant properties of Salik cheese, the DPPH were (79.85, 94.88, 90.52, 97.33, 99.18)% in each of (Control, Mint, Dill, Tarragon, and mix herbs), respectively in the first week then were decreased to ( 87.10, 83.62, 87.51, 83.46)% in the (Mint, Dill, Tarragon, and Mix herbs) compared to control which became 98.81% in the third week of storage. The herbs affected the hardness of cheese, which increased by increasing the storage periods. Sensory evaluation was acceptable especially in mint cheese but a few decreases in flavor were detected in the cheeses treated with herbs mix and Tarragon after three weeks of storage.

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