Academic Profile

Dana Abdulrahman

Qualification: M.Sc (petroleum Chem.) Univ. of Sulaimani

Position: Assistant Lecturer

Profession: Petroleum Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry

Address: Room number 2040 / Level 2/ chem. dept. School of Science

Email Address:

(+964) - 0750 203 9686

(+964)- 0750204 9602

Sulaimani - Kurdistan - Iraq

My Google Scholar


Outline Biography

B.Sc. in Chemistry University of Sulaimani. in academic year 2002-2003

M.Sc. in petroleum Chemistry, University of Sulaimani , Working with Professor Aziz A. Amin and professor Abdulsalam R. Karim

2003-2005 Assistant chemist, University of Sulaimani, Department of Chemistry, working in the laboratories.

2005-2008 M.Sc. student, University of Sulaimani, Department of Chemistry.

2008-2010 Member of the Examination Committee of School of Science.

2008-2020 Working with Professor Abdulsalam R. Karim & Dr. Luqman O. Hamasalih in petroleum Chemistry Lab.

2011-2014 Working with Professor Ibrahim khursheed & assistant professor Dr. Bakhtiar K. Aziz in polymer Chemistry Lab. and physical chemistry lab

Research Interests

My research interests focus on; includes the following fields;

1. petroleum refining processes and lube oil production processes.

2. Environmental chemistry ( air pollution, lad pollution, water pollution)