
At the Faculty of Agricultural Science-basic science unit, I am teaching two courses namely;

1. Organic chemistry - 2nd year undergraduate students

2. Biochemistry - 2nd year undergraduate students

My Philosophy in Teaching

    • The advices to the students are:
    • It’s important to remember that an examination is a test of learning, not memory
    • Try smiling as you go into the exam room - this can give you extra confidence.
    • To read and think about the questions deeply before answering.
    • If the student does not know the correct answer of a particular question, in this case there is no benefit from wasting the time and he (she) should skip it and go to the next, and at last when there is a space of time he (she) could go back and try to answer the skipped question.
      • >Class attendance
      • Class attendance is important. If you prepare by reading prior to class then the lectures will be more beneficial to you. Class is a time to review concepts from the . . text, ask questions and clarify concepts. I will do our best to address the questions during or after the class session. You will also be asked questions during class.
    • Classroom rules
    • Students are considered as young adults and should conduct themselves in such manner. It is the opinion of the instructor that you do have self-discipline and already know the basic rules of any classroom. In the event you cannot conduct yourselves in an adult manner, then appropriate rules will be made to correct the undesirable behavior.
    • You are expected to do your own work, not copy from someone else’s work
    • Please be respectful of others during the lectures, exams and review sessions (e.g. turn off cell phones or similar devices and keep your private conversations under control or move them to another room). Because this classroom contains very expensive equipment, there will be absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINK allowed in the classroom.