Curriculum Vitae

Name: Burhan Muhammed Sharif

Degree: Civil-Transportation Engineer

Title: Assistant Lecturer



Mobile: (+964)-7701544343




1- Member of Kurdistan Engineering Union KEU (Consulting Grade)

2- Member of Iraqi Engineering Union. Baghdad

3- Member of Kurdistan Teachers Union.

4- Member of International Parking Institute ,USA, Verginia.

5- Member of Sofara Tanmia Global Academy For Training Persons and Leader Development.

6- Member of Global Arabian Academy For Training and Development. Britsh-London.

7- Member of Canadian Global Center-Canada.

8- Member of Arabian Researcher ID-Arid-

Experience: Teaching since 1997 to now.

- Counsaltant Civil-Transportational Engineer.

- Trainer of Self Development and Engineering Professions.

- Head of Dams and Water Resources Engineering Dept .Faculty of

Engineering (2011- 2012).

- Head of Highway Group in Consulting Engineering Bureau - from 2010

until to 2014.

- Professional Certified Trainer -PCT Practitioner -Canada Global Center.

- Counsaltant Trainer of Graphology and Personalty Types,by Amercan

Psychology Association.

- Counsaltan Member Scientific Commetee for Hawri-Shar Project from 2012

to openning day.

- Mmeber of Scientific Commetee-Irrigation Department- 2years

- Memer of Examination Commetee Irrigation Department- 2years

- Memer of Faculty Tendering Commetee - 4years

- Supervisor for more than 20 projects engineering about Highway and Traffic Engineering-4th Stage.

- Administrator of Media Unit- Faculty of Engineerinh, from 2008 until to


- Head of Hydraulic Distribution Dept .in Sulaimani Directorate for

Irrigation and Dams (1995-1997)

- From Sept., 1997 Utile to 2004 at College of Engineering-University of

Sulaimany: Head of "Soil Mechanic ,Soil Science and Reclamation,and

Sanitary Laboratories.

- Supervisor of Library at Faculty from 1997 to 1999.

- Teaching From 1997 to 2004 :

Engineering Drawing.

Soil mechanic Practical..

Soil Physical Practical.

Soil Science and Reclamation

Fluid mechanic Practical.

AutoCAD Programming Practical.

Surveying Engineering Practical .

Water Supply-Sanitary Practical

Computer Programming Practical.

Building Materials Practical.

From 2007 to 1-7-2016.

1-Teaching of:

Statistical Engineering First Stage- 8years.

Intoduction of Irrigation Engineering , First Stage- 3years.

Soil and Land Reclamation, Second Stage- 4years.

Soil and Land Reclamation-Practical, Second Stage- 4years.

Soil mechanic Practical , Third Stage- 2years

Irrigation and Drainage Engineerig, Second Stage- 8years.

Irrigation and Drainage Engineerig, Third Stage- Civil Department 1years.

Highway Engineering Theory, Fourth Stage- 2 years

Highway Engineering Practical, Fourth Stage- 2 years

2-Training Fields:

- Professional Certified Trainer -PCT Practitioner

-TOT-Training of Trainers by Canada Global Center CGC

-Efective Trainer by GATC-British.

-Master Coaching Program-QATA Model by Dr.Robert Smith.Turkey

Istanbul July, 2016.

-Training Quality by according ISO Specification-Malyzia-Kuala

Lampur,April 2016.

- Counsaltant Trainer of Graphology By APA and Global Academy For

Nonverable Communication Science.USA-

-NLP Diplom and Assistant Practitioner.

-Personality Types-MBTI.

-Stratigic Planning of Persons & Operation Planning Persons..

- Stratigic Planning of Institutions by DCA-Diagnostic Court Applique-

Strategy Practionaier -Mrthod

- Graphology Diplom and Practitioner

-Peak Performance Management Person & MTHP

-Secrets of Presiontation Skills.

-Make the contemporary four your life.

3- Field Experiences:

- From 1995 until to now-I worked, constructed and attended to complete in about 150 engineering projects.

- Checking and approve :

- FOR " Dukan-ChwarQurna Road, Hajiawa-Saruchawa Road, Arbat-Said Sadiq Road, Said-Sadiq-Halabja Road, Arbat Qaragol , and Sarqala-Zinana-Xan-Omarbel –Kfri Roads.

- For " Sulaimani Hills Project ,Goizg City 2……etc

- Constructed School building –Six Class (One year work with FranceLibereety Organization,Flib Org.) Sulaimany Office (1995-1996)

- From 1999- till to 2014 at Consulting Engineering Bureau-College of Engineering:-

a-Investigation of Soil for more than 200 projects.

1-Sulaimani Hospital -400 Beds-

2-Sulaimani Water Supply Project Line-2-

3- Multi-story Building Universty of sulaimani

4-Harrawa Dam Project.

5-New Campus of Sulaimani Unversity.

6-Bazyan Cement Factory

7-Arbat –Qaragol Road, High-way Project.

8-Arbat-Saidsadq Road.

9-Saisadiq,–Halabja Road.

10-Raniya 60 meter Street.

11-Chaqchaq Road

12-Sulaimany International Airport…………etc

b-Preparing Drawing &Bill-Way (Tender) for some projects.

c- Surveying and Preparing Drawing for all hospitals in Sulaimani City.

d-Checking ana aprove of Highway Design for numbers Projects,such as: Arbat – Qaragol Road, Arbat -Saysadiq Road ,Saisadiq,–Halabja Road, Dukan – Charqurna Road, Hajyawa – Saruchawa Road, SarqalaXan – Zinana ,Road,Sulaimany Hills City,Goizha City,……etc

e-Member of Engineering Board for Tasluja-Sulaimani Median Project.2011

- Construction of School. Building 12-classes, in Qaladzy ( K.S.C.) Sulaimani Office. 1999.

- Supervision and construction of Six –PumpHouses in Garmain Area( UN-FAO Sulaimani Office-2000)

- Supervision and construction of Qhabat and Qradaqh Health Centers ( Kareem Abdulah Contracter Bureau (Agust, 2000- April2001)

-Soil Investigation (Three years work with Khak Consulting Engineering Bureau in Sulimani City - Iraq)-

- Written and Translation from Arabic to Kurdish .

- Supervision of Sammer Traininig for studint more than 8 yearss- at the university.

- Having more than 50 subjects published in the local newspapers and magazines

- Attended 2 seminars about Irrigation System both in Suleimaniyah University.

- Attended 1seminars about Irrigation and Agriculture Policy in Kurdistan by UN-FAO Sulaimani Office.

- Teaching at Secondary schools in Sulaimni (Oct.1993 to Nov. 1995)

- Supervision of Redesign of Ashty Intersection. 2007-2008

- Supervision of Redesign of Kanikurda-Sarwary Intersection. 2007-2008.

My Google Scholar