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Assistant Professor


Welcome to my Academic Profile page.

I am assistant professor in Organic chemistry and Natural products.

I tought Spectroscopy lecture for Ph.D. pharmaceutical students and M.Sc. postgraduates students in both chemistry dept. and pharmacy college .

I have been graduated at Louis Pasteur University in France,

I have a PhD degree in Organic chemistry since 6 June 2005,

I obtained also DEA in Supermolculare chemistry since october 2002 and DELF in French language on 2001,

I started my career by Teaching in the School of Science, at University of Sulaimani, in Kurdistan Region, F.R. of Iraq since November 1994 with a Master degree in Organic chemistry at the university of Salahddin on 24 September 1994.

My ORCID link is https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4456-9795

My Google Scholar Link is


Publications: 17 Journal Articles + 5 Conf. paper.

email: baram.hamahameen@univsul.edu.iq


Mobile: (+964) - 07702452840


I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Organic chemistry, Natural products, Stereochemistry

2. Spectroscopy analysis and Application,

3.Advance Organic chemistry and Asymmetric synthesis.

4.Computer chemistry for B.Sc. and Postgraduate students.

5- Natural products and medicinal plants.

My research interests focus on;

1. Organic synthesis and Identifications

2. Natural products and phytochemistry of them.

3.Preparation of asymmetric of Cyclopropanation and epoxydation.

4.Hydrogenation Asymmetric and Symmetric.

5.Medicinal plants and their bio-activities.

6.Clay and environmental (Organic pollution) especially PAH in Air.