
ئه‌ڤین عمر كریم

Welcome to my Academic Profile page:

I'm a lecturer of Department of Mathematics, at School of Basic Education at University of Sulaimani in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq. I received B. Sc degree in 2009 from Mathematics from Mathematical Sciences at University of Sulaimani and I started working assistant researcher at the same department since March of 2012 to September and I started studying my M. Sc.

Then I recieved M. Sc degree in Pure Mathematics from University of Nottingham in 2013 in the UK and I have started teaching as a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematical Science/ Faculty of physical and Basic Education at University of Sulaimani Since 2013.

E-mail: avin.karim@univsul.edu.iq

Mobile: +964

I teach several topics at my faculty, such as

  1. Finite Mathematics

2. Mathematical Analysis

3. Number Theory