Academic Profile

Dr. Aryan Ali Mohammed

Qualification: Ph. D.

Scientific rank: Assistant Professor 

Position (Workplace): University of Sulaimani, College of Basic Education, Department

                                       of Mathematical Sciences.

General specialization: Mathematics (Field of Applied Mathematics)

Accurate specialization: Differential Equations 

Profession: Mathematician (Assistant Professor in Differential Equations).

Address: University of Sulaimani

Email Address: , ,


Mobile: (+9647515021476) 

Sulaimani, Kurdistan, Iraq.

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Outline Biography

I graduated from the department of mathematics at the College of Science (at the time) at the University of Sulaimani.  I got the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and the M.Sc. degree (in Fluid Mechanic) in 1998 and 2006 respectively. I received my Ph.D. in (Differential Equations) in 2013 at the Mathematics Department, School of Science, Faculty of Science and Science Education (that time). At the beginning, i appointed in the general directory of education in Sulaymaniyah governorate as a teacher and i have been serving from March 17, 1999  till today. 

Research Interests 

My research interest includes the following fields: