
At the Faculty of medical sciences, school of medicine ,surgery Department, I am teaching the following subjects namely;

1. ABC and introduction to ophthalmology .

2. Squint.

3. Retina.

4. Ocular Pathology.

5. Ocular Genetics and Embryology.

6. Cataract.

7. Medical Retina.

8. Laser in Ophthalmology.

9. Ocular Trauma.

10.Glaucoma Medical Care.

11.Refractive Errors and Refractive Surgery.

Supervising research of the postgraduate students.

Department of surgery

Stage: 5th

Classroom: hall 3

No. of Students: 170


Department of postgraduate study

Stage: High diploma/ Master

Classroom: Aso hospital hall

No. of Students: 4

The year 2016-2018