COVID-19 Information
April 29, 2021 Update: As our community has relaxed masking requirements, Unity has elected to move to being Mask Optional for the remainder of the year.
Please contact COVID@unitychristianschool.org with any questions AND to report testing.
Frequently Asked Questions and Important Things To Know
When does quarantine start and how long does it last?
Student with positive COVID-19 test AND symptoms: 10 days starting with the first day of illness or symptoms.
Student testing positive with COVID-19, but WITHOUT symptoms: 10 days from the day of testing.
Student with exposure: The COVID-19 Task Force will evaluate on an individual basis and communicate quarantine time and dates as needed.
What does it mean for my child to 'quarantine' due to an exposure?
Quarantine is used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department. (per CDC)
When does my child need to wear a face covering while on-campus?
The purpose of the face covering is to protect everyone when 'social distancing' (being less than 6 feet from another person) is impossible. Thus, a face covering is required ANYTIME someone is in the hallways or other gathering areas such as the gym, waiting in carline, or in a classroom where the desks are not separated by 6 feet.
What will happen to pre-paid Schoolhouse Fare Lunch orders while my child is in quarantine or home for an extended period due to COVID-19?
To cancel your Schoolhouse Fare Lunch order, please email info@schoolhousefare.com. Cancellations received 24 hours in advance will be credited to your Schoolhouse Fare account.
What will Distance Learning be like during an absence for COVID-19?
Elementary: Virtual live class instruction will be available for primary topics such as ELA, Reading and Math. Your child's teacher will be in direct contact with you to set this up as early as possible upon your child needing to be absent. Of note, your child is expected to maintain classwork while he/she is 'well' at home. A child that has symptoms or is sick with COVID-19 will be expected to catch up upon cessation of symptoms and when wellness is achieved (just as with any other illness).
Middle and High School: Distance Learning will be either live via Google Meets or recorded, the teacher will give direction via Google Classroom regarding how the class will be provided. Your child already operates in each class using Google Classroom and will be familiar with utilizing this method for turning in work, communicating with teachers and keeping up with class assignments. Of note, your child is expected to maintain classwork while he/she is 'well' at home. A child that has symptoms or is sick with COVID-19 will be expected to catch up upon cessation of symptoms and when wellness is achieved (just as with any other illness).
How does this affect my student athlete?
Our Athletic program is governed by the GAPPS Association. GAPPS allows Unity Athletics to be governed by the school policy for COVID and player return to play. However, It is not possible to get a negative test and return to play prior to the duration for the quarantine.