Social Network and Online Markets 

Social Networks and Online Markets 

Master Degree in Data Science/Computer Science Engineering/Management Engineering/Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Anno Accademico 2023/2024 - II Semestre

Proff. Aris Anagnostopoulos e Stefano Leonardi 

Main Web Page of the Class

Monday ore 15:00 - 17:00

Wednesday ore 13:00 - 17:00 

Classroom Link:

Cassroom code: ckm4jgm

Sezione 1: Social Networks

Instructor: Prof. Aris Anagnostopoulos -

Main Web Page of the Class

Sezione 2: Online Markets 

Instructor: Prof. Stefano Leonardi -


–Single Item Auction

–Multi-parameter Mechanism Design

–Revenue maximizing Auctions

–Sponsored Search Auctions, Spectrum Auctions

–Walrasian equilibria

–Stable matching

–Kidney exchange

–House allocation

–Games and solution concepts

–Congestion games, Selfish Routing, and the Price of Anarchy

–Potential games

–Online decision-making and learning of equilibrium in games

–Voting and rank aggregation

–Fair division


[1] Classroom for Slides and Lecture Notes available at the Classroom site 

[2] Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory , Tim Roughgarden, Columbia University Publisher:Cambridge University Press